This script adds temporary buff items, based on The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, to a Zelda Classic quest. The …
Ordinarily, only walking enemy types, and some other types, may split on hit, split on death, or tribble. This header …
Like it says on the tin, this script, when attached to an FFC, generates a functional start screen, that by …
For those not aware, stdArguments.zh is a method library, for utilising float values to assign values dynamically. This is primarily …
This script allows you to permit a player to risk raising shop prices, in order to lower them. Once per …
One of the items intended for the Gamneboy/LA header, the SwitchHook, or SwitchShot acts similar tot he ordinary hookshot, save …
Timers.zh is intended for users of any level of experience, but it would be best for users who understand how …
In 'The Legend of Zelda: Triforce frce of The Gods (Link to the Past)', when you swim, you can press …
Notice: This first section of this script, is a set of global functions, useful for handling item interaction with FFCs. …
This is a utility header that will allow you to determine which version of C (2.50.0, 2.50.1, or 2.50.2) a …