Zelda Classic 2.53.0 Released

After several years of work, patching bugs and making various compatibility enhancements, we are pleased to announce the immediate release of Zelda Classic 2.53.0. This release fixes various bugs in the 2.50.x series on modern Windows OS systems, and enhances quest...

Forum Firewall Issues

The server the forum resides on was flagging some posts that contained ZScript code snippets falsely as a cross site scripting attack, and banning the IP of the author. We have worked with the host to resolve this, and hopefully prevent it from happening going...

Quest Database Migrated

All of the quests from the old Quest Database should now be available for download and review under the “Resources” tab. There are some true masterpieces in the database, rivaling the quality of even official first-party games of the genre, so if you are...