Zelda Classic 2.53.1 Pre-Release Available

For use in the Official 6th Quest Contest, we are proud to offer Beta builds of Zelda Classic 2.53.1 Pre-Release. This version includes many ‘Quality of Life’ features for building quests, including a host of new modular data formats. For more information,...

New Modular Zelda Classic Resource Database

We’ve added a large number of new Modular Resource Types, that you may submit, or download on the Resource Database. These new formats are for use with Zelda Classic 2.53.1 and with Zelda Classic 2.55.0. Types Module File (.zmod) Skin (UI Theme) File (.ztheme)...

20th Anniversary ‘6th Quest’ Contest

In celebration of Twenty Years of ZQuest Classic… We are hosting a brand new Official Quest Contest for the 6th Quest! We are hosting this contest through a Discord server, and you are all invited to participate. The contest is open to the public. For more...