For everyone who has wanted a Thief's Town Chest Game for Zelda Classic, that is precisely what this is. Updated …
Jumping off of cliffs and somehow not breaking any bones has always been a staple of the Zelda series. Now …
This script allows you to place lock blocks that use a custom key type to open them. You may place …
This script does all of the following: Adds Guardian Acorn, Piece of Power, Secret Shell, and Stone Beak items. Automates …
This set of functions permits the use of items that have hardcoded effects, called in an automatic manner. While this …
Attach this script to a bow, as its Pick-Up script, and when Link gains the bow, he also gains a …
OVERLAYTILE** is a ZASM instruction that through to ZC 2.50.2, has had no ZScript equivalent. It functions in the same …
Are you tired of the Triforce as the main gimmick in ZC quests? Do you want a system that gives …
I've been holding back on submitting this for a while, primarily because of how the functions in this header could …
Grayswandir originally created (most of) these functions for me, to use in conjunction with the Generic FFC Trigger script. As …