Z3-Style Chest Minigame
SubmittedDecember 12, 2016
For everyone who has wanted a Thief's Town Chest Game for Zelda Classic, that is precisely what this is.
Updated to v0.4.3 (Final Release). This adds the option to flag any chest game so that it is always replayable without leaving the screen, or force leaving the screen, independent of the general setting.
Updated to v0.4.4, embedding Xor().
Create the following four combos:
Closed chest: This should have a type of 'none', a flag of 'none', and be solid.
Open chest: This should be immediately after the closed chest in your combo table, with a type of 'none' and a flag of 'none'.
Shop price icon: I u, sed a 50-rupee tile for this.
Blank combo. This should be immediately after the shop price icon.
Note the combo ID of the chest combo, and set the constant 'CMB_CHEST_GAME_CLOSED' to this value.
Create a message string for the chest game rules, and a second with a 'chest game over' type of message. Assign the values of these strings to the constants 'MSG_CHEST_GAME_RULES' and 'MSG_CHEST_GAME_OVER', respectively.
Assign sound effects from Quest->Audio->Sound Effects to the following constants: SFX_OPEN_CHEST, SFX_CHEST_GAME_SPECIAL_PRIZE_FANFARE, SFX_CHEST_GAME_START.
Modify the general settings, as desired, or needed.
Edit the chestPrizes table in the ffc script, as desired. Each number in the table represents a 1% chance of generating an item with that ID.
Compile the script.
Create a screen, placing any number of chests on it, using the special chest combo that you created for this.
Place the ffc on the screen, and assign its combo to be the 'price icon' combo that you created earlier.
Set the 'Script' field in the ffc editor to 'ChestMiniGame'.
Set the D-Args in the ffc editor as follows:
D0: Number of chests to allow the player to open, per play.
D1: ID of special prize to award.
D2: Percentage chance of awarding special prize.
D3: Backup prize, if special prize already awarded (e.g. 100 rupees, instead of a heart piece). Set to '0' to not offer a backup prize.
D4: Cost per play.
Optionally, you may set these. if you do, they override the general settings assigned to the constants, for this instance of the ffc:
D5: String for game rules.
D6: String to play at end of game.
This allows you to have multiple rules strings, and end of game strings, for different chest games in your quest.
D7: Set to '1' to allow replaying without leaving the screen. Set to '-1' to forbid replaying. These override the general setting, and allow you to make some chest gaems in a quest either replayable, or not, at a ehim.
You're done. Try the chest game, and enjoy!
/// Z3 Style Chest Minigame ///
/// v0.4.4 - 27-Nov-2016 ///
/// By: ZoriaRPG ///
/// Final Release ///
//! The initial combo used for this ffc (on the screen) should be a rupee icon with a numeric cost.
//! The next combo in the list, should be blank.
const int CMB_CHEST_GAME_CLOSED = 896; //The 'closed' chest combo.
//! This should be combo type 'none', and solid.
const int CMB_CHEST_GAME_OPEN = 897; //The closed chest combo.
//! This should be the combo immediately after CMB_CHEST_GAME_CLOSED', with a type of 'none'.
const int MSG_CHEST_GAME_RULES = 3; //Screen->Message string that explains the game rules to the player.
const int MSG_CHEST_GAME_OVER = 2; //Screen->Message string for the end of a game round.
const int SFX_OPEN_CHEST = 20; //The sound that will play when Link opens a chest, and an item is awarded.
const int SFX_CHEST_GAME_SPECIAL_PRIZE_FANFARE = 27; //The sound to play when the player finds the special item in a chest.
const int SFX_CHEST_GAME_START = 35; //The sound to play when the player starts the game.
//Other Settings and Options
const int CHEST_GAME_SCREEN_D_REGISTER = 5; //The Screen->D[index] used to store if the main prize has been awarded.
const int CHEST_GAME_HOLDUP_TYPE = 4; // The type of item hold-up tp use. 4 = LA_HOLD1LAND(one hand); 5 = LA_HOLD2LAND(two hands)
const int CHEST_GAME_ALLOW_REPLAY = 0; //Set to '1' to allow the player to play again without leaving the screen.
const int TIME_INPUT_UP_OPEN_CHEST = 50; //The number of frames of inputting up will open a closed chest.
const int OPEN_CHESTS_FROM_SIDES_OR_ABOVE = 1; //Set to '0' to only permit opening them from the bottom.
// Chest Game FFC
//~ //D0: Number of chests to allow the player to open, per play.
//~ //D1: ID of special prize to award.
//~ //D2: Percentage chance of awarding special prize.
//~ //D3: Backup prize, if special prize already awarded (e.g. 100 rupees, instead of a heart piece). Set to '0' to not offer a backup prize.
//~ //D4: Cost per play.
//~ //D5: String for game rules.
//~ //D6: String to play at end of game.
//~ //D7: Set to '1' to allow replaying without leaving the screen.
ffc script ChestMiniGame{
void run(int max_chests_Link_can_open, int specialPrize, int percentMainPrize, int backupPrize, int costPerPlay, int msgRules, int msgEnd, int allowReplay){
//Populate with the IDs of prizes to award. Each index is a 1% chance.
int chestPrizes[]= { 72, 0, 30, 0, 39, 0, 39, 0, 2, 29,
0, 0, 23, 72, 0, 72, 72, 79, 80, 30,
0, 2, 39, 38, 71, 60, 0, 40, 0, 87,
87, 0, 86, 80, 0, 0, 2, 29, 60, 29,
0, 71, 73, 0, 87, 73, 0, 79, 38, 0,
17, 80, 40, 23, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0,
0, 38, 24, 0, 60, 71, 2, 1, 73, 81,
1, 70, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 80, 0, 86,
79, 0, 70, 0, 70, 0, 0, 0, 23, 0,
0, 2, 0, 10, 0, 38, 2, 70, 70, 86 };
int initialData = this->Data; //Store the initial combo, to revert, if replay is enabled.
int chestComboSpots[176];
int check;
int cmb;
int mainprize;
bool openchest;
int has_opened_number_of_chests;
bool award_main_prize;
bool gameRunning;
bool gameOver;
item i;
bool giveprize;
bool awardnormalprize;
if ( msgRules ) Screen->Message(msgRules);
else Screen->Message(MSG_CHEST_GAME_RULES); //Show the string for the chest game rules.
while(true) {
if ( max_chests_Link_can_open == has_opened_number_of_chests ) gameOver = true;
if ( gameOver && ( !CHEST_GAME_ALLOW_REPLAY && !allowReplay ) || allowReplay 0 ) ) {
gameOver = false;
gameRunning = false;
this->Data = initialData;
for ( int q = 0; q ComboD[q] == CMB_CHEST_GAME_OPEN ) Screen->ComboD[q] = CMB_CHEST_GAME_CLOSED;
has_opened_number_of_chests = 0;
if ( LinkCollision(this) && Game->Counter[CR_RUPEES] > costPerPlay && ____Xor(Link->PressA,Link->PressB) && !gameRunning ) {
//If Link collides with the ffc, which should show the cost, and presses a button, start the game.
gameRunning = true;
Game->DCounter[CR_RUPEES] -= costPerPlay;
this->Data++; //increase to the next combo, removing the cost icon.
if ( gameRunning ) {
//Check to see if the combo above Link is a chest.
if ( Link->Dir == DIR_UP ){
cmb = Screen->ComboD[ ___AdjacentCombo(ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8),Link->Dir) ];
if ( cmb == CMB_CHEST_GAME_CLOSED ) {
if ( timer && Link->InputUp ) timer--;
if ( timer PressA,Link->PressB)) {
if ( SFX_OPEN_CHEST ) Game->PlaySound(SFX_OPEN_CHEST);
Screen->ComboD[ ___AdjacentCombo(ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8),Link->Dir) ]++;
giveprize = true;
Link->InputUp = false;
cmb = Screen->ComboD[ ___AdjacentCombo(ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8),Link->Dir) ];
if ( cmb == CMB_CHEST_GAME_CLOSED ) {
if ( timer > 0 && Link->InputDown ) timer--;
if ( timer PressA,Link->PressB) ) {
if ( SFX_OPEN_CHEST ) Game->PlaySound(SFX_OPEN_CHEST);
Screen->ComboD[ ___AdjacentCombo(ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8),Link->Dir) ]++;
giveprize = true;
Link->InputUp = false;
else if ( Link->Dir == DIR_LEFT && OPEN_CHESTS_FROM_SIDES_OR_ABOVE ) {
cmb = Screen->ComboD[ ___AdjacentCombo(ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8),Link->Dir) ];
if ( cmb == CMB_CHEST_GAME_CLOSED ) {
if ( timer > 0 && Link->InputLeft ) timer--;
if ( timer PressA,Link->PressB) ) {
if ( SFX_OPEN_CHEST ) Game->PlaySound(SFX_OPEN_CHEST);
Screen->ComboD[ ___AdjacentCombo(ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8),Link->Dir) ]++;
giveprize = true;
Link->InputUp = false;
cmb = Screen->ComboD[ ___AdjacentCombo(ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8),Link->Dir)];
if ( cmb == CMB_CHEST_GAME_CLOSED ) {
if ( timer > 0 && Link->InputRight ) timer--;
if ( timer PressA,Link->PressB) ) {
if ( SFX_OPEN_CHEST ) Game->PlaySound(SFX_OPEN_CHEST);
Screen->ComboD[ ___AdjacentCombo(ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8),Link->Dir) ]++;
giveprize = true;
Link->InputUp = false;
if ( giveprize ) {
check = Rand(1,100); //Make a check, to use for determining if the main prize should e awarded.
if ( check percentMainPrize ) { awardnormalprize = true; check = Rand(0,SizeOfArray(chestPrizes)); }//Otherwise, reuse that var, and make a new check to determine
//the prize to award from the table.
int itm;
if ( !awardnormalprize && award_main_prize && !Screen->D[CHEST_GAME_SCREEN_D_REGISTER] ) { //The main prize has not been awarded, and has been randomly chosen.
Game->PlaySound(SFX_CHEST_GAME_SPECIAL_PRIZE_FANFARE); //Play the fanfare...
i = Screen->CreateItem(specialPrize); //Assign the pointer, and make the item.
itm = specialPrize; //Set the value of the item ID to a var so that we can use it for holding it up.
if ( !awardnormalprize && award_main_prize && Screen->D[CHEST_GAME_SCREEN_D_REGISTER] && backupPrize ) { //The main prize has already been awarded, so recheck.
Game->PlaySound(SFX_CHEST_GAME_SPECIAL_PRIZE_FANFARE); //Play the special award fanfare...
i = Screen->CreateItem(backupPrize); //Assign the pointer, and make the item.
itm = backupPrize; //Set the value of the item ID to a var so that we can use it for holding it up.
if ( awardnormalprize && check ) { //Otherwise, if the check to award a special prize did not pass..
Game->PlaySound(SFX_OPEN_CHEST); //otherwise, play the default.
i = Screen->CreateItem(chestPrizes[check]); //Award a normal prize, from the list.
itm = chestPrizes[check]; //Set the value of the item ID to a var so that we can use it for holding it up.
if ( check ) { //if we're awarding a prize...
i -> X = Link->X;
i -> Y = Link->Y;
if ( CHEST_GAME_HOLDUP_TYPE ) { //If the setting to hold the item overhead is enabled...
Link->Action = CHEST_GAME_HOLDUP_TYPE; //Hold the item overhead, using the value of that setting.
Link->HeldItem = itm;
if ( award_main_prize ) { Screen->D[CHEST_GAME_SCREEN_D_REGISTER] = 1; award_main_prize = false; } //Set the register so that Link cannot collect the special prize again.
giveprize = false;
while( Link->Action == LA_HOLD1LAND ) Waitframe();
else Remove(i); //if check is zero, remove the item pointer.
//This allows chances of getting nothing at all.
if ( has_opened_number_of_chests >= max_chests_Link_can_open ) {
gameOver = true;
gameRunning = false;
if ( msgEnd ) Screen->Message(msgEnd);
else Screen->Message(MSG_CHEST_GAME_OVER);
//If we reach here, then the chest game is over.
this->Data = 0;
this->Script = 0;
//Constants for AdjacentCombo()
//This now uses DIR_* constants, so you can do AdjacentCombo(cmb,Link->Dir)
//Returns the Nth combo index of a combo based on a central point, and a direction.
//For example, combo 22 + COMBO_UPRIGHT returns '7',
//as combo 7 is to the upper-right of combo 22.
int ___AdjacentCombo(int cmb, int dir){
int combooffsets[13]={-0x10, 0x10, -1, 1, -0x11, -0x0F, 0x0F, 0x11};
if ( cmb % 16 == 0 ) combooffsets[9] = 1;
if ( (cmb & 15) == 1 ) combooffsets[10] = 1;
if ( cmb 0x9F ) combooffsets[12] = 1; //if it's on the bottom row
if ( combooffsets[9] && ( dir == CMB_LEFT || dir == CMB_UPLEFT || dir == CMB_DOWNLEFT || dir == CMB_LEFTUP ) ) return 0; //if the left columb
if ( combooffsets[10] && ( dir == CMB_RIGHT || dir == CMB_UPRIGHT || dir == CMB_DOWNRIGHT ) ) return 0; //if the right column
if ( combooffsets[11] && ( dir == CMB_UP || dir == CMB_UPRIGHT || dir == CMB_UPLEFT || dir == CMB_LEFTUP ) ) return 0; //if the top row
if ( combooffsets[12] && ( dir == CMB_DOWN || dir == CMB_DOWNRIGHT || dir == CMB_DOWNLEFT ) ) return 0; //if the bottom row
else if ( cmb >= 0 && cmb <= 176 ) return cmb + combooffsets[dir];
else return -1;
//Xor comparison of two boolean values.
bool ____Xor(bool valA, bool valB){
if ( !valA && valB ) return true;
else if ( valA && !valB ) return true;
return false;
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