Links Awakening Alpha 0.63
SubmittedDecember 12, 2016
This script does all of the following:
Adds Guardian Acorn, Piece of Power, Secret Shell, and Stone Beak items.
Automates power-ups when a specified number of enemies are killed:
Pieces of Power are awarded for a number of kills set in the script settings.
Guardian Acorn power-ups are awarded for a specified number of consecutive likks, without Link being damaged.
Stone Beaks unlock the ability to receive hints in dungeons.
Piece of Power (full power-ups) increase Link's walking speed.
Secret Shells now have a corresponding 'Seashell Manor' to give the player a bonus item after collecting enough. This further replicates the 'bonus' shell awards, for visiting the Seashell Mansion with specific numbers of shells.
Enemy Explosion Animations: All, or any enemies may now easily have death explosions. This is grouped as follows:
Standard Enemies
Final Boss
Other (catch-all)
Each type may have unique sprites, a set number of explosions (per type), and other variables all set by enemy type.
This runs from an FFC script by default, but a back-up global routine is also in the script file, if you wish to avoid using FFCs.
Explosions are timed, their coordinate offsets randomised, and have sound effects. They are essentially similar to Ghost.zh explosions, except that you no longer need to make Ghost scripts for any or all of your enemies to explode.
Lists are defined, that allow you to easily modify what enemies use each animation style.
There are also numerous other details in the present version of this script, that pay homage to 'Link's Awakening', so download it, play with the example quest, and have a blast!
(Future versions, and expansion packages are planned.)
Set-up is defined, in a detailed SETUP text document, included with the package.
Requires: std.zh, ffcscript.zh, and stdExtra.zh. The latter two are bundled with the package for easy access.
The quest file has fully-set-up code, including all headers, and related constants, in the buffer. All combos, sprites, sounds, and other details are assigned, so it is possible to build a new quest from the included example quest.
//Disable these if you already import them!
import "std.zh"
//import "ffcscript_LA.zh" //This is included, starting at line 1468
//import "stdExtra.zh" //This is included, starting at line 1604
//These headers are included to ensure that you can recompile this, from the buffer.
//Pieces of Power, Guardian Acorns, and Secret Shells v0.63
//5th July, 2015
//Set-up: Make a new item (Green Ring), set it up/ as follows:
//Item Class Rings
//Level: 1
//Power: 1
//CSet Modifier : None
//Assign this ring to Link's starting equipment in Quest->Init Data->Items
//Change the blue ring to L2, red to L3, and any higher above these.
//Arrays: These are used to store the variables for this header.
int PlayingPowerUp[258]; //An array to hold values for power-ups. Merge with main array later?
int Z4_ItemsAndTimers[26]; //Array to hold the values for the Z4 items.
int StoneBeaks[10]; //An array to hold if we have a stone beak per level.
//Each index corresponds to a level number.
//If you need levels higher than '9', increase the index size to
//be eaqual to the number of levels in your game + 1.
// A list of Boss enemies, by Enemy ID
/// Add, or remove values from this list, to increase, or decrease the enemies treated
/// as Bosses for determining the number of explosions.
int BossList[]={ 58, 61, 62, 63,
64, 65, 71, 72,
73, 76, 77, 93,
94, 103, 104, 105,
109, 110, 111, 112,
114, 121, 122};
// A list of Mini-boss enemies by Enemy ID
/// Add, or remove values from this list, to increase, or decrease the enemies treated
/// as Mini-bosses for determining the number of explosions.
int MiniBossList[]={ 59, 66, 67, 68,
69, 70, 71, 74,
/// Variable Settings: These values are constants that are used to determine the amounts of values in the scripts,
/// and functions. Modify these with any values that you require.
const int NEEDED_PIECES_OF_POWER = 3; //Number of Pieces of power needed for temporary boost.
const int NEEDED_ACORNS = 3; //Number of Acorns needed for temporary boost.
const int REQUIRED_SECRET_SHELLS = 20; //Number of Secret Shell items to unlock the secret.
const int BUFF_TIME = 900; //Duration of boost, in frames. Default is 15 seconds.
const int REQUIRE_CONSECUTIVE_KILLS = 12; //The number of enemies the player must kill without being hurt,
// to obtain a free Guardian Acorn.
const int REQUIRE_KILLS_PIECE_OF_POWER_MIN = 35; //The minimum number of enemies to kill (random number min)
//to obtain a free Piece of Power.
const int REQUIRE_KILLS_PIECE_OF_POWER_MAX = 45; //The maximum number of enemies to kill (random number max)
//to obtain a free Piece of Power.
const int BONUS_SHELL_DIVISOR = 5; //Award bonus Secret Shell if number on hand is this number, on each visit to Seashell mansion.
//Walk Speed Constants
const int WALK_SPEED_POWERUP = 4; //Number of extra Pixels Link walks when he has a Piece of Power
const int WALK_TIME = 8; //Increase this value to slow the speed at which Link walks when sped up,
//and to speed him up when slowed down.
/// Boolean SETTINGS: THese constants are used forBOOLEAN CONTROL. That is, if they have a value of '0', expressions
/// will regard them as 'false, and if they have a value of '1', expressions will regard them as true.
/// Think of them as 'toggle switches' for different settings that you may apply.
//Power-Up Message Constants
//! Use these for BOTH their corresponding boolean controls, and for the Message String ID..
/// These will play when the player obtains a power-up item, if they are set to '1' or higher.
const int PLAY_ACORN_MESSAGE = 0; //Set to 0 to turn off Guardian Acorn messages.
//If set to aq value of '1' or higher, when the player obtains a
//Guardian Acorn, ZC will display a Screen->Message string using
//the ID equal to the value you assign here.
const int PLAY_PIECE_OF_POWER_MESSAGE = 0; //Set to 0 to disable messages for Piece of Power power-ups.
//If set to aq value of '1' or higher, when the player obtains a
//Guardian Acorn, ZC will display a Screen->Message string using
//the ID equal to the value you assign here.
const int RANDOMISE_PER_PLAY = 0; //Set to '1' if you want to randomise the number of kills on each load (continue).
const int PLAY_POWERUP_MIDI = 1; //Set to '1' to play a MIDI while a power-up boost is in effect.
const int REMOVE_ATTACK_BOOST_WHEN_PLAYER_DAMAGED = 1; //Set to '0' to disable removing the boost when player is damaged X times.
const int NUM_HITS_TO_LOSE_POWER_BOOST = 3; //The number of times a player with a Piece of Power power-up boost
//must be hit, before the effect prematurely ends.
const int ENEMIES_ALWAYS_EXPLODE = 1; //Set to '0' if enemies only explode when a player has a Piece of Power power-up.
const int EXPLOSIONS_RUN_WITH_FFCS = 1; //If set to 1, enemy explosions on death will run from FFCs
//rather than from the global active infinite loop.
const int ENEMY_POWERUPS_ARE_FULL = 1; //If set to '1' awarded Pieces of Power and Guardian Acorns from killing enemies
//grant an instant *full* power-up. Otherwise, if set to '0', they only give a
//single power-up item.
const int KILL_AWARDS = 1; //Set to '0' to disable automatic awards of Pieces of Power and Guardian Acorns
//based on enemy kill counts.
const int FINAL_BOSS_EXPLOSIONS = 1; //Set to '0' if you are using the stock Ganon as a final boss!
//Disabling this, disables explosion animations for the enemy specified as
//FINAL_BOSS_ID in variable settings, below.
const int RESET_ENEMY_COUNT_ON_CONTINUE = 0; //Reset the count of enemies killed for a Piece of Power when continuing.
//Set to '1' to enable, or '0' to disable.
const int RESET_CONSECUTIVE_ENEMY_COUNT_ON_CONTINUE = 0; //Reset thenumber of consecutive ennemies killed when continuing.
//Set to '1' to enable, or '0' to disable.
/// Game Constants: You MUST establish these values on a PER-QUEST basis. They cover things such as
/// item numbers, sound effects, FFC slots, and the like.
//Item Numbers : These are here for later expansion, and are unused at present.
const int I_GREEN_RING = 143; //Item number of Green Ring
const int I_PIECE_POWER = 144; //Item number of Piece of Power
const int I_ACORN = 145; //Item number of Acorn
const int I_SHELL = 146; //Item number of Secret Shell
//Sound effects constants.
const int SFX_POWER_BOOSTED = 65; //Sound to play when Attack Buffed
const int SFX_SECRET_SHELL = 66; //Sound to play when unlocking shell secret.
const int SFX_GUARDIAN_DEF = 68; //Sound to play when Defence buffed.
const int SFX_NERF_POWER = 72; //Sound to play when Piece of Power buff expires.
const int SFX_NERF_DEF = 73; //Sound to play when Guardian Acorn buff expires
const int SFX_BONUS_SHELL = 0; //Sound to play when awarded a bonus Secret Shell.
const int SFX_ENEMY_EXPLOSION = 99; //Explosion SFX
const int SFX_SCREEN_CHANGED = 100; //Sound to play if the screen changes. Deprecated for this version.
const int SFX_KILL_BONUS_POWERUP = 101; //Sound effect for a power-uop awarded by killing enemies.
//Enemy Explosion Constants
const int FFC_ENEMY_EXPLODE = 1; //Set to FFC script slot for death explosion FFC animation.
const int FFC_NUM_OF_EXPLOSIONS = 4; //Base number of explosions when killing an enemy.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE = 0; //Sprite for the explosion.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_EXTEND = 3; //Size of explosion eweapon.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_TILEWIDTH = 1; //Width of explosion, in tiles.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_TILEHEIGHT = 1; //Height of explosion, in tiles.
const int FFC_EXPLOSIONS_MINIBOSS_EXTRA = 4; //Add this many explosions if the enemy is a miniboss.
const int FFC_EXPLOSIONS_BOSS_EXTRA = 12; //Add this many explosions if the enemy is a full boss.
const int FFC_EXPLOSIONS_FINALBOSS_EXTRA = 16; //Add this many explosions if the enemy is the FINAL boss.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_NORMAL_ENEM = 87; //Sprite to use for ordinary enemy explosions.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_MINIBOSS = 9; //Sprite for explosions if the enemy is a mini-boss.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_BOSS = 17; //Sprite for explosions if the enemy is a Boss.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_FINAL_BOSS = 81; //Sprite for explosions if the enemy if the FINAL BOSS in the game.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_DELAY = 4; //The delay in frames between explosions.
const int FFC_EXPLOSION_PIECE_OF_POWER_EXTRA_BLASTS = 2; //Number of extra explosions if player has Piece of Power
//power-up (attack) boost.
const int EXPLODE_INVIS_COMBO = 735; //A general use invisible combo, that we never actually use. This is here as a reference only.
const int EXPLOSION_TWO_DIST = 2; //The distance modifier (in PIXELS) for the second explolsion effect (layered explosions).
const int EXPLOSION_THREE_DIST = 3; //The distance modifier (in PIXELS) for the third explolsion effect (layered explosions).
const int EXPLOSION_FOUR_DIST = 4; //The distance modifier (in PIXELS) for the fourth explolsion effect (layered explosions).
const int EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL = 8; //The -N and +N values to Randomise for distance of explosion
//FFC for normal enemies.
const int EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS = 12; //The -N and +N values to Randomise for distance of explosion
//FFC for Mini-Boss enemies.
const int EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS = 16; //The -N and +N values to Randomise for distance of explosion
//FFC for Boss enemies.
const int EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS = 24; //The -N and +N values to Randomise for distance of explosion
//FFC for your FINAL BOSS enemy.
const int EXPLOSION_DIST_OTHER = 10; //The -N and +N values to Randomise for distance of explosion FFC
//as a CATCH_ALL for enemies not included elsewhere.
//MIDI Constants
const int POWERUP_MIDI = 10; //Set the the number of a MIDI to play while a Power-Up is in effect.
const int PLAYING_POWER_UP_MIDI = 256;
const int NORMAL_DMAP_MIDI = 0; //Used for two things: Array index of normal DMap MIDIs (base),
//and as parameter in function PlayPowerUpMIDI()
//Enemy Table Constanta
const int FINAL_BOSS_ID = 78; //Enemy ID of the FINAL boss. Ganon, by default.
//Note: The standard Ganon battle has its own, SPECIAL DEATH ANIMATION
//that is incompatible with custom explosion animations.
//Change this value to your actual, custom, final boss.
//If you are using the stock Ganon, you will need to disable FINAL_BOSS_EXPLOSIONS.
/// ROUTINE Constants: These are used to reference things with labels, instead of numbers.
/// DO NOT CHANGE THEM unless you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you know what each one does.
//Array Indices ( ! Do not change these ! )
//These point to the index number of arrays.
const int POWER_TIMER = 0; //The timer for Piece of Power damage boost duration.
const int DEF_TIMER = 1; //The timer for Guardian Acorn defence boost duration.
const int NUM_PIECES_POWER = 2; //The present number of Pieces of Power held by the player.
const int NUM_ACORNS = 3; //The present number of Guardian Acorns held by the player.
const int POWER_BOOSTED = 4; //This == 1 if the player has a Piece of Power power-up boost.
const int DEF_BOOSTED = 5; //This == 1 if the player has a Guardian Acorn power-up boost.
const int NUM_SHELLS = 6; //The present number of Secret Shells held by player.
const int MSG_GUARDIAN_PLAYED = 7; //Reports if a message has played for a Guardian Acorn boost.
//Used as a boolean flag to prevent re-playing the string.
const int MSG_PIECE_POWER_PLAYED = 8; //Reports if a message has played for a Piece of Power boost.
const int POWERUP_PLAYER_HP = 9; //Holds player HP for this frame to compare to...
const int POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP = 10; //Holds previous player HP.
const int POWERUP_ENEMY_KILLS = 11; //Number of enemies killed since last free Piece of Power.
const int POWERUP_CONSECUTIVE_ENEMY_KILLS = 12; //Number of enemies killed since player was last hurt.
const int POWERUP_NUM_ENEMIES = 13; //The number of enemies at present.
const int POWERUP_CURDMAP = 14; //The current DMap. used to determine if screen has changed.
const int POWERUP_CURSCREEN = 15; //The current Screen. used to determine if screen has changed.
const int POWERUP_SCREEN_HAS_CHANGED = 16; //Will return '1' (true) if screen has changed; otherwise '0' (false).
const int POWERUP_LINK_DAMAGED = 17; //Stores a value if Link was hit. Cleared after killing a monster.
const int POWERUP_PIECE_OF_POWER_NEEDED_KILLS = 18; //The present number of total enemy deaths needed for a free
//Piece of Power. Updated by PieceOfPowerKills() with a
//randomly generated value each time a free Piece of Power
//is awarded from this value.
const int POWERUP_LINK_HURT_COUNTER = 19; //Holds a value if Link was hurt. May be deprecated.
const int POWERUP_LINK_HURT_COUNTER_LAST = 20; //Holds a value if Link was hurt. May be deprecated.
const int MSG_PIECE_OF_POWER_PLAYED = 21; //Used as a boolean flag, if a message was played, to prevent re-playing.
const int AWARD_PIECE_OF_POWER = 22; //A boolean flag. If this is '1' (true), a Piece of power will be awarded (based on settings).
const int AWARD_GUARDIAN_ACORN = 23; //A boolean flag. If this is '1' (true), a Guardian Acorn will be awarded (based on settings).
const int POWER_WALK_TIMER = 24; //The timer for WalkSpeed().
/// Constants for enemy types: DO NOT CHANGE!
/// These are used as a label to identify enemy types, when comparing Screen->NPCs with the arrays BossList[] and MiniBossList[].
const int ENEM_TYPE_NORMAL = 0; //Normal enemies.
const int ENEM_TYPE_MINIBOSS = 1; //Bosses from the array MiniBossList[]
const int ENEM_TYPE_BOSS = 2; //Bosses from the array BossList[].
const int ENEM_TYPE_FINAL_BOSS = 3; //The enemy specified as FINAL_BOSS_ID.
//int NerfedAttack[]="Attack power nerfed."; //String for TraceS()
//Run every frame **BEFORE** both Waitdraw() **AND** LinksAwakeningItems();
void ReduceBuffTimers(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_TIMER] > 0 ) { //If the Piece of Power timer is active...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_TIMER]--; //Reduce Piece of Power timer.
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_TIMER] > 0 ) { //If the Guardian Acorn timer is active...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_TIMER]--; //Reduce the timer
//Run every frame, before Waitdraw();
void LinksAwakeningItems(){ //This is a container function. Using these simplifies reading your global acript later, by reducing the number of direct calls.
//Now we need only call this one function, to run all of these. This is a *true function*, while the functions it calls are *routines*.
PiecesOfPower(); //Call these functions, as routines, and sub-routines.
//Increase walking speed when Link has a Piece of Power and LA_WALKING
void WalkSpeed(){
int linkX;
int linkY;
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] ) { //Check to see if Link has a Piece of Power power-up boost...
if ( Link->Action == LA_HOLD1LAND ) return;
if ( Link->Action == LA_WALKING && !LinkJump() && Link->Z == 0 ) { //If he isnt attacking, swimming, hurt, or casting, and h
if ( Link->InputDown && !IsSideview() //If the player presses down, and we aren't in sideview mode...
&& !Screen->isSolid(Link->X,Link->Y+17) //SW Check Solidity
&& !Screen->isSolid(Link->X+7,Link->Y+17) //S Check Solidity
&& !Screen->isSolid(Link->X+15,Link->Y+17) //SE Check Solidity
) {
//We use a timer to choke the walk speed. Without it, Link would move the full additional number of
//pixels PER FRAME. THus, a walk speed bonus of +1 would be +60 pixels (almost four tiles) PER SECOND!
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER] == WALK_TIME ) { //If our timer is fresh, or has reset...
Link->Y += WALK_SPEED_POWERUP; //Let Link move faster...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER]--; //Decrement the timer, to start the ball rolling.
else if ( Link->InputUp && !IsSideview() //If the player presses up, and we aren't in sideview mode...
&& !Screen->isSolid(Link->X,Link->Y+6) //NW Check Solidity
&& !Screen->isSolid(Link->X+7,Link->Y+6) //N Check Solidity
&& !Screen->isSolid(Link->X+15,Link->Y+6) //NE Check Solidity
) {
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER] == WALK_TIME ) { //If our timer is fresh, or has reset...
Link->Y -= WALK_SPEED_POWERUP; //Increase the distance the player moves down, by this constant.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER]--; //Decrement the timer, to start the ball rolling.
else if ( Link->InputRight && !Screen->isSolid(Link->X+17,Link->Y+8) //If the player presses right, check NE solidity...
&& !Screen->isSolid(Link->X+17,Link->Y+15) //and check SE Solidity
) {
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER] == WALK_TIME ) { //If our timer is fresh, or has reset...
Link->X += WALK_SPEED_POWERUP; //Increase the distance the player moves down, by this constant.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER]--; //Decrement the timer, to start the ball rolling.
else if ( Link->InputLeft && !Screen->isSolid(Link->X-2,Link->Y+8) //If the player presses right, check NW solidity...
&& !Screen->isSolid(Link->X-2,Link->Y+15) //SW Check Solidity
) {
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER] == WALK_TIME ) { //If our timer is fresh, or has reset...
Link->X -= WALK_SPEED_POWERUP; //Increase the distance the player moves down, by this constant.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER]--; //Decrement the timer, to start the ball rolling.
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER] > 0 && Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER] != WALK_TIME ) Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER]--;
//Decrement the timer if it is greater than zero, and not = to WALK_TIME.
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_WALK_TIMER] X/Y into a solid combo, and we also check
//sideview mode, as in sideview gravity, with this, would allow the player to walk upwards or downwards, where he shouldn't.
///Functions called by MAIN functions:
//Runs every frame from LinksAwakeningItems();
void PiecesOfPower(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_PIECES_POWER] >= NEEDED_PIECES_OF_POWER ) { //Check to see if the number of Pieces of Power collected by ther player
//is at least the number required in settings.
//if so...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_PIECES_POWER] = 0; //Clear the number of Pieces of Power collected.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_TIMER] = BUFF_TIME; //Set the timer to the value of this constant, set in settings. This allows the timer to start.
//When the timer is active, other functions that rely on it will run.
BoostAttack(); //Run this routine.
NerfAttack(); //Otherwise, run this routine.
//Runs every frame from LinksAwakeningItems();
void Acorns(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_ACORNS] >= NEEDED_ACORNS ) { //Check to see if the number of Guardian Acorns that the
//player collected is at least the amount specified in the settings
//If so...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_ACORNS] = 0; //Clear the number of acorns collected.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_TIMER] = BUFF_TIME; //Set the timer, to the value of this constant.
//When the timer is active, functions that rely on it run automatically.
BoostDefence(); //Run this routine.
NerfDefence(); //Otherwise, run this routine.
//Runs from PiecesOfPower()();
void BoostAttack(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_TIMER] && !Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] ) { //If Link's power is not boosted, and the timer has a positive value above 0...
BuffSwords(); //Run this function to double his sword attacks.
if ( PLAY_PIECE_OF_POWER_MESSAGE ) { //If this setting is greater than '0'...
PieceOfPowerMessage(PLAY_PIECE_OF_POWER_MESSAGE); //Play a message specified by this constant.
//Runs from PiecesOfPower()
void NerfAttack(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] && Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_TIMER] < 1 ) { //If Link's power is boosted, and the timer has expired...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] = 0; //Clear the flag that tells us that his power is boosted.
NerfSwords(); //Run this function to reduce his attack back to normal.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_TIMER] = 0; //Ensure that the timer is exactly zero.
//Runs from Acorns();
void BoostDefence(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_TIMER] && !Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_BOOSTED] ) { //If Link's defence is NOT boosted by an acorn powerup and the timer is running...
BuffRings(); //Run this dunction to double his defence.
if ( PLAY_ACORN_MESSAGE ) { //If this setting is greater than '0'...
AcornMessage(PLAY_ACORN_MESSAGE); //Play the message specified by this constant.
//Runs from Acorns()
void NerfDefence(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_BOOSTED] && Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_TIMER] < 1 ) { //If Link';s def is boosted and the timer has expired...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_BOOSTED] = 0; //Clear the flag that tells us that his defense was boosted...
NerfRings(); //Run this function to reduce his defs back to normal.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_TIMER] = 0; //Ensure that the timer is exactly zero.
//Runs from BoostDefence();
void BuffSwords(){
float presentPower; //Make a variable so that we can write to it.
for ( int q = 0; q LoadItemData(q); //Load each item, once per loop...
if ( id->Family == IC_SWORD ) { //If an item is Itemclass SWORD
presentPower = id->Power; //Set our variable to its present ->Power
id->Power = presentPower * 2; //Write that value * 2 to its ->Power, doubling its attack strength.
Game->PlaySound(SFX_POWER_BOOSTED); //Play a sound effect to indicate this happened.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] = 1; //Set the flag that allows us to determine if Link's attack is boosted by a power-up.
//Runs from BoostDefence();
void BuffRings(){
float presentPower; //Make a variable so that we can write to it.
for ( int q = 0; q LoadItemData(q); //Load each item, once per loop...
if ( id->Family == IC_RING ) { //If an item is Itemclass RING...
presentPower = id->Power; //Set our variable to its present ->Power
id->Power = presentPower * 2; //Write back that value * 2 to double the defense modifier.
Game->PlaySound(SFX_GUARDIAN_DEF); //Play a sound so that the player knows it happened.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_BOOSTED] = 1; //Set the flag that allows us to determine if Link's defense is boosted by a power-up.
//Runs from BoostDefence();
void NerfSwords(){
float presentPower; //Make a variable so that we can write to it.
for ( int q = 0; q LoadItemData(q); //Load each item, once per loop...
if ( id->Family == IC_SWORD ) { //If an item is Itemclass SWORD...
presentPower = id->Power; //Set our variable to its present ->Power
id->Power = presentPower * 0.5; //Write back that value * 0.5 to halve the defense modifier.
//We use multiplication here, to avoid a division by zero error, however unlikely that may be.
Game->PlaySound(SFX_NERF_POWER); //Play a sound to indicate that this happened.
//Because this only runs if the timer is zero, and because the function NerfDefence() already sets the flag
//that tells us that Link's attack is boosted back to '0', we dont need to have an instruction here to do that.
//Runs from BoostDefence();
void NerfRings(){
float presentPower; //Make a variable so that we can write to it.
for ( int q = 0; q LoadItemData(q); //Load each item, once per loop...
if ( id->Family == IC_RING ) { //If an item is Itemclass RING...
presentPower = id->Power; //Set our variable to its present ->Power
id->Power = presentPower * 0.5;//Write back that value * 0.5 to halve the defense modifier.
//We use multiplication here, to avoid a division by zero error, however unlikely that may be.
Game->PlaySound(SFX_NERF_DEF); //Play a sound to indicate that this happened.
//Because this only runs if the timer is zero, and because the function NerfDefence() already sets the flag
//that tells us that Link's attack is boosted back to '0', we dont need to have an instruction here to do that.
//Awards full Piece of Power attack power-ups...
void EnemyPieceOfPower(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[AWARD_PIECE_OF_POWER] ) { //If we should award a Piece of Power power-up...
while ( Link->Action == LA_HOLD1LAND ) { //If the Link->Action LA_HOLD1LAND is set, wait until its animation finished...
//Failing to do this will cause the hold-up animation to fail.
Waitframe(); //Wait...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[AWARD_PIECE_OF_POWER] = 0; //Remove the flag to award a power-up.
if ( ENEMY_POWERUPS_ARE_FULL ) { //If the setting ENEMY_POWERUPS_ARE_FULL is enabled...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_PIECES_POWER] = NEEDED_PIECES_OF_POWER; //Set Link to have the full power-up.
PieceOfPowerKills(); //Reset the number of kills needed for the next award.
//Awards full Guardian Acorn defence power-ups...
void EnemyGuardianAcorn(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[AWARD_GUARDIAN_ACORN] ) { //If we should award a Guardian Acorn power-up...
while ( Link->Action == LA_HOLD1LAND ) { //If the Link->Action LA_HOLD1LAND is set, wait until its animation finished...
//Failing to do this will cause the hold-up animation to fail.
Waitframe(); //Wait...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[AWARD_GUARDIAN_ACORN] = 0; //Remove the flag to award a power-up.
if ( ENEMY_POWERUPS_ARE_FULL ) { //If the setting ENEMY_POWERUPS_ARE_FULL is enabled...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_ACORNS] = NEEDED_ACORNS; //Set Link to have the full power-up
/// Utility Functions ///
//Returns number of Secret Shells collected.
int NumShells(){
return Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_SHELLS]; //When calling NumShells() ZC will tell us how many Secret Shells the player has
//by reading this value, and returning it.
//Awards a bonus Secret Shell
void BonusShell(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_SHELLS]++; //Add one Secret Shell to out array counter.
//Returns true if the player has either an active Guardian Acorn Power-Up, or an active Piece of Power power-up.
bool HasPowerUp(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] || Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_BOOSTED] ) {
//If either attack, or defence is boosted, return true.
return true;
//If neither are boosted, return false.
return false;
//Returns true if the player has a stone beak for the present level; and returns the number of beaks.
bool StoneBeak(){
int lvl = Game->GetCurLevel(); //Store the current level to a variable.
return StoneBeaks[lvl]; //Return the number of stone beaks the player has for this level.
//Remember, a value of '0' is treated as 'false', and '1' or more as 'true', so this allows us
//either boolean, or integer control.
//Returns Link->Jump as an int. For whatever reason, this is recorded to allegro.log as a float, and some ZC versions
//have a bug involving this value, so we Floor it first.
int LinkJump(){
int jmp = Floor(Link->Jump); //Floor Link->Jump to ensure that a value of 0.050 is '0'.
return jmp; //Return the floored value.
//Automatically plays messages when the player has a Guardian Acorn power-up.
void AcornMessage(int msg){
if ( ! Z4_ItemsAndTimers[MSG_GUARDIAN_PLAYED] && Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_BOOSTED] ){ //If we haven't played the message, and Link's defence is boosted by an acorn...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[MSG_GUARDIAN_PLAYED] = 1; //Set the flag that tells us that ZC played the message...
Screen->Message(msg); //Play the message input as arg 'msg', which is not the same as the cooking ingredient..
//Automatically plays messages when the player has a Piece of Power power-up.
void PieceOfPowerMessage(int msg){
if ( ! Z4_ItemsAndTimers[MSG_PIECE_POWER_PLAYED] && Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] ){ //If we haven't played the message, and Link's defence is boosted by a Piece of Power...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[MSG_PIECE_OF_POWER_PLAYED] = 1; //Set the flag that tells us that ZC played the message...
Screen->Message(msg); //Play the message input as arg 'msg', which is not the same as the cooking ingredient..
/// Powerup MIDI Functions ///
//Back up the original MIDIs so that we can later restore them.
void Backup_MIDIs(){
for ( int q = 0; q DMapMIDI[]
PlayingPowerUp[q] = Game->DMapMIDI[q]; //Copy the first 256 elements of Game->DMapMIDI[] to PlayingPowerUp[].
//This ensures that we can always restore them when we're done.
//Copies all original MIDIs back to Game->DMapMIDI[]
void RestoreNonPowerUpMIDIs(){
for ( int q = 0; q DMapMIDI[]
Game->DMapMIDI[q] = PlayingPowerUp[q]; //Copy the first 256 elements of PlayingPowerUp[] to Game->DMapMIDI[].
//This restores the MIDIs set by the quest file, when we're done playing alternate MIDIs.
//An easy way to determine if we are playing a special MIDI for the power-ups.
bool _PlayingPowerUpMIDI(){
return PlayingPowerUp[PLAYING_POWER_UP_MIDI];
//Above function replaced, with PlayingPowerUpMIDI() below.
//Change the value of this index, from 0 to 1, or 1 to 0, so that we can use it as a boolean flag to determine
//if we are playing a power-up MIDI.
void PlayingPowerUpMIDI(int setting){
PlayingPowerUp[PLAYING_POWER_UP_MIDI] = setting;
//Copy the POWERUP_MIDI to DMapMIDI[] for this level, and hopefully auto-play it.
void PlayPowerUpMIDI(){
int lvl = Game->GetCurLevel(); //Determine the present Level
Game->DMapMIDI[lvl] = POWERUP_MIDI; //Change the value of the index of Game->DMapMIDI[] matching this level, to the MIDI of the Power-up MIDI
// This should, in theory, automatically play it, and it should not change if we leave the screen
// as it would with Game->PlayMIDI
// ZC should always play MIDIs with the new values for matching DMAPs.
//An easy way to determine if we are playing a special MIDI for the power-ups.
bool PlayingPowerUpMIDI(){
int lvl = Game->GetCurLevel(); //Store the present level in a variable...
if ( Game->DMapMIDI[lvl] == POWERUP_MIDI ){ //Check if the index lvl of Game->DMapMIDI[] is set to the special MIDI for power-ups.
return true; //if so, return true.
return false; //Otherwise, return false.
//Plays the Power-Up MIDIs, by copying them into Game->DMapMIDI[]. Automates the routines for this...
void PowerUpMIDI(){
if ( HasPowerUp() && !PlayingPowerUpMIDI() ) { //if Link has a power-up and we are not yet playing the special MIDI
PlayingPowerUpMIDI(PLAY_POWERUP_MIDI); //Toggle this flag on.
PlayPowerUpMIDI(); //Copy the special power-up MIDI to the index of Game->DMapMIDI[] for this level, and hopefully automatically play it.
//Game->PlayMIDI(POWERUP_MIDI); //Removed in an old version, because this resets when leaving the screen.
if ( !HasPowerUp() && PlayingPowerUpMIDI() ) { //If Link does not have an active power-up, and we *are* still playing the power-up MIDI...
RestoreNonPowerUpMIDIs(); //COpy the original MIDIs back to Game->DMapMIDIs[]
PlayingPowerUpMIDI(NORMAL_DMAP_MIDI); //Toggle this flag back off.
//Call in Global Script ~Init.
void InitZ4(){
//InitScreenChanged(); //Set the intitial screen, and DMAP values, for checking if the screen changes.
InitLinkHP(); //Store Link's HP initially, so that we know when he is hit.
PieceOfPowerKills(); //Establish how many enemies Link must kill for the first possible Piece of Power in the game.
//Runs from InitZ4 in Global script ~Init
//Call elsewhere to reset the value.
void PieceOfPowerKills(){
int numKills = Rand(REQUIRE_KILLS_PIECE_OF_POWER_MIN,REQUIRE_KILLS_PIECE_OF_POWER_MAX); //Randomly generate the next number of required kills.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PIECE_OF_POWER_NEEDED_KILLS] = numKills; //Set that to the value in the array.
//Store Link HP to check if he was hurt.
int StoreLinkHP(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_HP] = Link->HP; //Store the present HP for Link this frame.
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP] > Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_HP] ){
//If this is lower than it was last frame (or at the atart of the game if this is the first frame of the game)
//Link was hit.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_DAMAGED] = 1; //Set the flag that tells us that Link was hurt.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP] = Link->HP; //Store his new HP into the OLD_HP reference, so that
//we may use it next frame to repeat the check.
//This value is set back to 0 by UpdateKilledEnemies().
///Replacement function template for awarding kill bonuses:
//Run the routines to occur when killing enemies.
void KillRoutines(){
//Store Link's HP values, and determine if he was hurt this frame.
CountEnemyKills(); //Store the number of enemies killed.
void ResetConsecutiveKills(){
if ( LinkHurt() ) { //otherwise...
ResetLinkHurt(); //Set Link's hurt flag back to not hurt, so that we can mark this as the first consecutive kill...
InitLinkHP(); //Re-store his HP values.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_CONSECUTIVE_ENEMY_KILLS] = 0; //Reset the consecutive kill counter to '1', as this is the new first kill.
if ( !LinkHurt() ) { //If Link was't hurt since the last clear of consecutive kills...
//Count the number of enemy kills, this time, with a simpler method; more prone to slow-down. :/
void CountEnemyKills(){
for ( int q = 1; q NumNPCs(); q++ ) { //Read every enemy on the screen...
npc n = Screen->LoadNPC(q); //Assign each individually to an npc variable...
if ( n->isValid() ) { //If that NPC is valid...
if ( n->Type != NPCT_FAIRY ){ //and not a faerie...
if ( n->HP HP > -9999 ) { //and alive....
// ! Not being below -9998 is important, as this restricts the script
// from infinitely awarding a kill bonus. Without this, the script
// will go wild.
n->HP = -9999; //...set its HP to -9999 so that we don't give infinite awards.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_CONSECUTIVE_ENEMY_KILLS]++; //Increase his consecutive kill count.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_ENEMY_KILLS]++; //and also increase the standard kill count.
//A utility function to easily determine if the flag for Link being hurt is enabled.
int LinkHurt(){
return Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_DAMAGED];
//A utility function to quickly reset the 'hurt' status of the player.
void ResetLinkHurt(){
if ( LinkHurt() ) {
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_DAMAGED] = 0; //Remove the 'hurt' flag.
//Set up the values for Link's HP, and re-sync them when needed.
void InitLinkHP(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_HP] = Link->HP; //Store Link's HP afresh.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP] = Link->HP;
//Award power-up items if the player has killed X-number enemies, or X-number consecutive enemies without being hurt.
void GivePowerUps(){
bool awardedPoP = false; //Some boolean values to abuse.
bool awardedGA = false;
//If the player has killed a number of enemies set by constant REQUIRE_CONSECUTIVE_KILLS...
//without being hurt...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_CONSECUTIVE_ENEMY_KILLS] = 0; //Reset the value of consecutive kills.
Game->PlaySound(SFX_KILL_BONUS_POWERUP); //Play the power-up sound.
item itm = Screen->CreateItem(I_ACORN); //Create an item, ID I_ACORN
itm->X = Link->X; //Place it at Link's coordinates...
itm->Y = Link->Y;
itm->Z = Link->Z;
Link->Action = LA_HOLD1LAND; //Cause Link to hold it up.
Link->HeldItem = I_ACORN; //Set the item Link holds manually.
awardedGA = true; //Set this value true. This later is used to toggle a global flag.
//If the player has killed the minimum number of enemies to earn a Piece of Power...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_ENEMY_KILLS] = 0; //Reset the count.
Game->PlaySound(SFX_KILL_BONUS_POWERUP); //Play the power-up sound.
item itm = Screen->CreateItem(I_PIECE_POWER); //Create an item with the ID I_PIECE_POWER
itm->X = Link->X; //Place it at Link's coordinates.
itm->Y = Link->Y;
itm->Z = Link->Z;
Link->Action = LA_HOLD1LAND; //Cause Link to hold it up.
Link->HeldItem = I_PIECE_POWER; //Set the item Link holds, manually.
awardedPoP = true; //Set this value true. This later is used to toggle a global flag.
if ( awardedPoP ) Z4_ItemsAndTimers[AWARD_PIECE_OF_POWER] = 1; //If either of these conditions are true, set
if ( awardedGA ) Z4_ItemsAndTimers[AWARD_GUARDIAN_ACORN] = 1; //the corresponding global flag, that other functions
} //use to determine if they should give an item.
//Store Link HP to check if he was hurt.
int _StoreLinkHurt(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_HP] = Link->HP; //Store the present HP for Link this frame.
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP] > Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_HP] ){
//If this is lower than it was last frame (or at the atart of the game if this is the first frame of the game)
//Link was hit.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_DAMAGED] = 1; //Set the flag that tells us that Link was hurt.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP] = Link->HP; //Store his new HP into the OLD_HP reference, so that
//we may use it next frame to repeat the check.
//This value is set back to 0 by UpdateKilledEnemies().
void StoreLinkHurt(){
if ( Link->Action == LA_GOTHURTLAND || Link->Action == LA_GOTHURTWATER || Link->Action == LA_DROWNING ) {
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_DAMAGED] = 1; //Set the flag that tells us that Link was hurt.
else if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP] > Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_HP] ){
//If this is lower than it was last frame (or at the atart of the game if this is the first frame of the game)
//Link was hit.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_DAMAGED] = 1; //Set the flag that tells us that Link was hurt.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP] = Link->HP; //Store his new HP into the OLD_HP reference, so that
//we may use it next frame to repeat the check.
//This value is set back to 0 by UpdateKilledEnemies().
//Cause enemies to have a death animation explosion with custom sprites.
//Run before Waitdraw() in the infinite ( while(true) ) loop of your global active script.
//You need only call this one function to run the entirety of this code.
void EnemiesExplodeOnDeath(){
if ( EXPLOSIONS_RUN_WITH_FFCS ) { //If this setting is enabled...
EnemyExplosionFFC(); //Run this function.
else { //Otherwise...
EnemyExplosion(); //Run this instead.
/// Item Scripts ///
//Piece of Power item PICKUP script.
item script PieceOfPower{
void run(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_PIECES_POWER]++; //When the player touches this item, add one to the array counter.
//Acorn item PICKUP script.
item script GuardianAcorn{
void run(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_ACORNS]++; //When the player touches this item, add one to the array counter.
//Shell item PICKUP script.
item script SecretShell{
void run(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[NUM_SHELLS]++; //When the player touches this item, add one to the array counter.
//Attach as the Pick-Up script for the stone beak item.
item script StoneBeak_Pickup{
void run(){
int level = Game->GetCurLevel(); //Determine the present level, and store it in this variable.
StoneBeaks[level]++; ////When the player touches this item, add one to the array counter for this level.
/// FFC Scripts ///
// Attach to an FFC of an owl statue. If Link has a stone beak for this level, this statue will play
// the message set by arg D0.
ffc script OwlStatue {
void run (int msg){
if ( DistanceLink(this->X+8,this->Y+8) PressA ){ //
//If Link has the stone beak for this level, and presses A...
Screen->Message(msg); //Display the string set by arg D0.
Link->InputA = false; //Don't swing sword.
// FFC Script for Secret Shell Mansion
// D0: The Screen->D Register to use to store datum.
// D1: Set to a value of '1' or higher, to make secret permanent.
ffc script SecretShellMansion{
void run(int reg, int perm){
int thisScreen = Game->GetCurScreen();
if ( NumShells() % BONUS_SHELL_DIVISOR == 0 ) { //If the number of shells is an *exact multiple* of the value set by BONUS_SHELL_DIVISOR
int shellsST = Game->GetScreenD(thisScreen,reg); //Store the present value of Screen->D register 'dat' in a variable, so that we can safely change the value of the register.
if ( NumShells() > shellsST ) { //If the number of shells is higher than the value stored in Screen->D register 'dat'
Game->SetScreenD( thisScreen, reg, NumShells() ); //Set the register to the present number of shells, then...
Game->PlaySound(SFX_BONUS_SHELL); //Play a special sound effect...
BonusShell(); //...and award a bonus shell.
//This replicates the bonus shell you may obtain at the Seashell manion in Z4
//by having exactly five shells, or multiples of 5
//on repeated visits.
if ( NumShells() >= REQUIRED_SECRET_SHELLS ) { //If we have enough shells to unlock a secret, as set by this constant
Game->PlaySound(SFX_SECRET_SHELL); //Play a special sound to indicate that we unlocked a secret...
if ( perm ) { //If arg D1 is '1' or higher...
Screen->State[ST_SECRET] = true; //Set the secret state as permanent, then...
Screen->TriggerSecrets(); //Trigger the secrets for this screen.
//This will be temporary if arg D1 is '0'.
/// Sample Global Scripts ///
global script LA_Active{ //An example global active script.
void run(){
TestRoutines(); //This is used to store value sin counters for a visual reference when events occur.
global script LA_OnContinue{ //An example OnContinue script
void run(){
if ( RANDOMISE_PER_PLAY ) { //If this flag in settings is enabled, we will randomise the number of
// enemies that Link must kill, each time he loads the game, so that
// the number required when we saved is re-rolled.
PieceOfPowerKills(); //Randomise the value.
InitLinkHP(); //Store Link's HP again, so that if we continue with more HP, the values aren;t out of sync.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_TIMER] = 0; //Reset timers for power-ups back to zero, so that they don;t carry over through F6
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_TIMER] = 0; //or through saving.
//Set timers back to 0, disabling the boost.
global script LA_OnExit{
void run(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[DEF_TIMER] = 0;//Reset timers for power-ups back to zero, so that they don;t carry over through F6
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_TIMER] = 0; //or through saving.
//Set timers back to 0, disabling the boost.
global script Init{
void run(){
InitZ4(); //Set up the initial values used by this script.
//void LinksAwakeningItems(int swords, int rings){
//int TempBoostItems[6];
//int TempBoostTimers[2];
//int SwordItems[4]={1};
//int DefItems[4]={64};
//Drop one Guardian Acorn if the player kills 12 consecutive enemies without being hurt.
/// ! Check these functions to ensure they aren't broken !
//void Update_Powerup_HP(){
/// ! Check these functions to ensure they aren't broken !
//Example global script:
global script active_explosions{
void run(){
/// ! Check these functions to ensure they aren't broken !
//Death explosion animation function, for global use.
void EnemyExplosion(){
int fX; //Set up variables to hold X/Y coordinates.
int fY;
bool isBoss;
bool isMiniBoss;
bool isFinalBoss;
int numExplosions;
int enemID;
int explosionCount = numExplosions;
eweapon explosion;
int enemType;
for ( int q = 1; q NumNPCs(); q++ ) { //Run a for loop to read every enemy on the screen...
npc n = Screen->LoadNPC(q); //Declare an npc variable,
if ( n->isValid() ) {
if ( n->ID == FINAL_BOSS_ID ) {
isFinalBoss = true;
for ( int e = 0; e ID == enemID ) {
isBoss = true;
enemType = ENEM_TYPE_BOSS;
for ( int e = 0; e ID == enemID ) {
isMiniBoss = true;
if ( !ENEMIES_ALWAYS_EXPLODE && !isBoss && !isMiniBoss && !isFinalBoss && !Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] ){ //If these flags are all disabled, exit this function.
//Determine number of explosions by type of enemy...
if ( isMiniBoss ) {
else if ( isBoss ) {
else if ( isFinalBoss ) {
else numExplosions = FFC_NUM_OF_EXPLOSIONS;
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] ) {
//and assign it to each valid NPC in the for loop.
if ( n->HP X; //Set the variables to the coordinates of that NPC.
fY = n->Y;
for ( int q = 0; q CreateEWeapon(EW_SCRIPT1); //Make an explosion..
explosion->CollDetection = false; //...that doesn;t hurt anyone...
if ( enemType == ENEM_TYPE_NORMAL ) {
explosion->X = fX + Rand(-8,8); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = fY + Rand(-8,8); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_NORMAL_ENEM); //...using this sprite
else if ( enemType == ENEM_TYPE_MINIBOSS ) {
explosion->X = fX + Rand(-12,12); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = fY + Rand(-12,12); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_MINIBOSS); //...using this sprite
else if ( enemType == ENEM_TYPE_BOSS ) {
explosion->X = fX + Rand(-16,16); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = fY + Rand(-16,16); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_BOSS); //...using this sprite
else if ( enemType == ENEM_TYPE_FINAL_BOSS ) {
explosion->X = fX + Rand(-24,24); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = fY + Rand(-24,24); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_FINAL_BOSS); //...using this sprite
else {
explosion->X = fX + Rand(-10,10); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = fY + Rand(-10,10); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE); //...using this sprite
explosion->Extend = FFC_EXPLOSION_EXTEND; //...with extended size
explosion->TileWidth = FFC_EXPLOSION_TILEWIDTH; //...this many tiles wide
explosion->TileHeight = FFC_EXPLOSION_TILEHEIGHT; ///...this many tiles high
//Waitframe(); //..pause, then go back to the top of this loop, to repeat until the number of
explosion->DeadState = WDS_ARROW; //Kill the dummy eweapon
explosion->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the dummy eweapon
Remove(explosion); //and remove it.
//Alternate to EnemyExplosion() that calls an FFC with its own Waitframe().
void EnemyExplosionFFC(){
int fX; //Set up variables to hold X/Y coordinates.
int fY;
bool isBoss;
bool isMiniBoss;
bool isFinalBoss;
int numExplosions;
int enemID;
for ( int q = 1; q NumNPCs(); q++ ) { //Run a for loop to read every enemy on the screen...
npc n = Screen->LoadNPC(q); //Declare an npc variable,
int enemType;
if ( n->isValid() ) { //and assign it to each valid NPC in the for loop.
if ( n->ID == FINAL_BOSS_ID ) {
isFinalBoss = true;
for ( int e = 0; e ID == enemID ) {
isBoss = true;
enemType = ENEM_TYPE_BOSS;
for ( int e = 0; e ID == enemID ) {
isMiniBoss = true;
if ( !ENEMIES_ALWAYS_EXPLODE && !isBoss && !isMiniBoss && !isFinalBoss && !Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] ){ //If these flags are both disabled, exit this function.
//Determine number of explosions by type of enemy...
if ( isMiniBoss ) {
else if ( isBoss ) {
else if ( isFinalBoss ) {
else numExplosions = FFC_NUM_OF_EXPLOSIONS;
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_BOOSTED] ) {
if ( n->HP X; //Assign its coordinates to the variables...
fY = n->Y;
int f_args[4]={fX,fY,numExplosions,enemType}; //...then make an array, and assign those variables as its indices.
//if ( numExplosions )
RunFFCScript(FFC_ENEMY_EXPLODE, f_args); //Launch the FFC script designated by FFC_ENEMY_EXPLODE
//using the values stored in the array f_args as the FFC
//arguments D0 and D1.
//FFC Script: If you wish to use an FFC to generate this effect, assign this to a slot, update the constant above, then recompile.
//FFC of death animation explosion, to use as alternative to global function.
//Do not call this directly, by assigning it to a screen FFC. This is designed to automatically run when needed.
//...unless you want something to look like it is perpetually exploding, but then, this will need modification to do that.
ffc script Explosion{
void run (int fX, int fY, int numExplosions, int enemType){ //Inputs for coordinates.
//These args are to accept input by the instruction: RunFFCScript(FFC_ENEMY_EXPLODE, args[]) from other functions.
eweapon explosion; //Create a dummy eweapon.
eweapon explosion2;
eweapon explosion3;
eweapon explosion4;
this->X = fX;
this->Y = fY;
int explosionCount = numExplosions;
while ( explosionCount > 0 ) {
for ( int q = 0; q CreateEWeapon(EW_SCRIPT1); //Make an explosion..
explosion2 = Screen->CreateEWeapon(EW_SCRIPT1); //Make an explosion..
explosion3 = Screen->CreateEWeapon(EW_SCRIPT1); //Make an explosion..
explosion4 = Screen->CreateEWeapon(EW_SCRIPT1); //Make an explosion..
explosion->CollDetection = false; //...that doesn;t hurt anyone...
explosion2->CollDetection = false; //...that doesn;t hurt anyone...
explosion3->CollDetection = false; //...that doesn;t hurt anyone...
explosion4->CollDetection = false; //...that doesn;t hurt anyone...
if ( enemType == ENEM_TYPE_NORMAL ) {
explosion->X = this->X + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL,EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = this->Y + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL,EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_NORMAL_ENEM); //...using this sprite
explosion2->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_TWO_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL,EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion2->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_TWO_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL,EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion2->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_NORMAL_ENEM); //...using this sprite
explosion3->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_THREE_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL,EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion3->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_THREE_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL,EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion3->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_NORMAL_ENEM); //...using this sprite
explosion4->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_FOUR_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL,EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion4->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_FOUR_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL,EXPLOSION_DIST_NORMAL); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion4->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_NORMAL_ENEM); //...using this sprite
else if ( enemType == ENEM_TYPE_MINIBOSS ) {
explosion->X = this->X + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = this->Y + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion2->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_TWO_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion2->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_TWO_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion3->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_THREE_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion3->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_THREE_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion4->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_FOUR_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion4->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_FOUR_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_MINIBOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_MINIBOSS); //...using this sprite
explosion2->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_MINIBOSS); //...using this sprite
explosion3->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_MINIBOSS); //...using this sprite
explosion4->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_MINIBOSS); //...using this sprite
else if ( enemType == ENEM_TYPE_BOSS ) {
explosion->X = this->X + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = this->Y + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion2->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_TWO_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion2->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_TWO_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion3->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_THREE_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion3->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_THREE_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion4->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_FOUR_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion4->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_FOUR_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_BOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_BOSS); //...using this sprite
explosion2->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_BOSS); //...using this sprite
explosion3->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_BOSS); //...using this sprite
explosion4->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_BOSS); //...using this sprite
else if ( enemType == ENEM_TYPE_FINAL_BOSS ) {
explosion->X = this->X + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = this->Y + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion2->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_TWO_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion2->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_TWO_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion3->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_THREE_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion3->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_THREE_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion4->X = this->X + EXPLOSION_FOUR_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion4->Y = this->Y + EXPLOSION_FOUR_DIST + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS,EXPLOSION_DIST_FINAL_BOSS); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_FINAL_BOSS); //...using this sprite
explosion2->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_FINAL_BOSS); //...using this sprite
explosion3->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_FINAL_BOSS); //...using this sprite
explosion4->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE_ENEM_FINAL_BOSS); //...using this sprite
else {
explosion->X = this->X + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_OTHER,EXPLOSION_DIST_OTHER); //at X coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->Y = this->Y + Rand(-EXPLOSION_DIST_OTHER,EXPLOSION_DIST_OTHER); //at Y coordinates fX plus a slightly randomised offset.
explosion->UseSprite(FFC_EXPLOSION_SPRITE); //...using this sprite
explosion->Extend = FFC_EXPLOSION_EXTEND; //...with extended size
explosion->TileWidth = FFC_EXPLOSION_TILEWIDTH; //...this many tiles wide
explosion->TileHeight = FFC_EXPLOSION_TILEHEIGHT; ///...this many tiles high
for ( int w = 0; w DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the eweapon
Remove(explosion); //...and remove it.
explosion2->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the eweapon
Remove(explosion2); //...and remove it.
explosion3->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the eweapon
Remove(explosion3); //...and remove it.
explosion4->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the eweapon
Remove(explosion4); //...and remove it.
Waitframe(); //..pause, then go back to the top of this loop, to repeat until the number of
explosion->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the eweapon
Remove(explosion); //...and remove it.
explosion2->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the eweapon
Remove(explosion2); //...and remove it.
explosion3->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the eweapon
Remove(explosion3); //...and remove it.
explosion4->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; //Kill the eweapon
Remove(explosion4); //...and remove it.
this->X = -100;
this->Y = -100;
this->Data = 0; //...set the FFC script slot back to a usable state.
Quit(); //...and exit.
//Routines to test code.
void TestRoutines(){
///This copies values held in the array into counters, to display them.
//This makes it easier to check the functionality of the routines in play.
void TestEnemyCounters(){
Game->Counter[CR_SCRIPT2] = Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_NUM_ENEMIES];
Game->Counter[CR_SCRIPT4] = Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_ENEMY_KILLS];
Game->Counter[CR_SCRIPT5] = Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_HP];
Game->Counter[CR_SCRIPT6] = Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP];
Game->Counter[CR_SCRIPT7] = Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_DAMAGED];
Game->Counter[CR_SCRIPT9] = Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_HURT_COUNTER];
Game->Counter[CR_SCRIPT10] = Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_SCREEN_HAS_CHANGED];
//Plays a sound if the game believes the screen has changed based on flags.
//Not used in this version.
void TestScreenChanged(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_SCREEN_HAS_CHANGED] ) {
//The script version, and copyright.
int ST_Version[]="Link's Awakening Demi-Engine v0.6.3 - 05-JULY-2015 (c) 2015 TMGS, by ZoriaRPG";
//The following functions are deprecated, although they may return in a revamped form at some later point.
//None of these are called by anything in this version of the code.
void Z4_EnemyKillRoutines(){ //This is a container function. Using these simplifies reading your global acript later, by reducing the number of direct calls.
Z4ScreenChanged(); //Call these functions:
//Run before Waitdraw.
void Z4ScreenChanged(){ //Determines if the screen changed from scrolling, or warping.
PowerupStoreScreenChange(); //Store change values.
PowerupScreenUpdateScrolling(); //and update them.
//Runs from InitZ4 in Global script ~Init
void InitScreenChanged(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_SCREEN_HAS_CHANGED] = 1; //Set this flag to '1' so that the game isn't confused.
//Runs from InitZ4 in Global script ~Init
void _InitLinkHP(){
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_HP] = Link->HP; //Store the initial values of these, as a reference.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PLAYER_OLD_HP] = Link->HP;
//Runs before Waitdraw() from Z4ScreenChanged()
void PowerupStoreScreenChange(){
int thisScreen = Game->GetCurScreen(); //Store the present screen ID in a variable.
int thisDMap = Game->GetCurDMap(); //Store the present DMAP ID in a variable.
if ( thisScreen != Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_CURSCREEN] || thisDMap != Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_CURDMAP] ){
//If the present screen and DMAP are not the same as the ones stored, we know that tje screen has changed.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_CURSCREEN] = thisScreen; //Then we update the values for the screen...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_CURDMAP] = thisDMap; //...and the DMAP in the array
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_SCREEN_HAS_CHANGED] = 1; //and set this flag.
else {
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_SCREEN_HAS_CHANGED] = 0; //Otherwise, the screen HAS NOT changed, so we set this flag to '0'.
//Run in conjunction with PowerupStoreScreenChange(). Runs from Z4ScreenChanged()
void PowerupScreenUpdateScrolling(){
if ( Link->Action == LA_SCROLLING ) { //If Link moves between screens with scrolling
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_SCREEN_HAS_CHANGED] = 1; //Set this flag so that we know that the screen has changed.
//Utility function to determine if screen has changed.
int PowerUpScreenChanged(){
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_SCREEN_HAS_CHANGED] ) { //If this value is '1' or higher...
return 1; //The screen has changed, so this will return true.
return 0; //If it has a value of '0', the screen has not changed, so we don;t run routines that we want to run when the screen changes.
//This is important when determining how many enemies we killed on this screen, before leaving it, so that we don't
//set up a huge loop where the number infinitely increases.
//Count screen enemies and store the value.
void CountEnemies(){
if ( PowerUpScreenChanged() ) { //If the screen has changed
if ( Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_NUM_ENEMIES] > 0 ) { //If the number of enemies that are on the screen is not zero
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_NUM_ENEMIES] = 0; //Change it to zero...then...
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_NUM_ENEMIES] = ( Screen->NumNPCs() - NumNPCsOf(NPCT_FAIRY) );
//Check the number of enemies on the screen (other than faerie NPCs) and store the value.
//This ensures that if we kill enemies, and leave the screen, the number that we use
//as a reference to determine how many enemies we've killed, doesn't become desync'd.
//Check if any enemies have been killed.
void UpdateKilledEnemies(){
int diff; //A variable for operations.
int numEnem = ( Screen->NumNPCs() - NumNPCsOf(NPCT_FAIRY) ); //Count the (non-faerie) enemies on the screen, and store that value.
//If Link was hurt more times than specified by constant NUM_HITS_TO_LOSE_POWER_BOOST
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_HURT_COUNTER] = 0; //Reset hurt counters.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_LINK_HURT_COUNTER_LAST] = 0; //Reset hurt counters.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWER_TIMER] = 0; //Set POWER_TIMER to 0, ending the effect of a Piece of Power boost.
//If the flag KILL_AWARDS is set true, award buff items for killing enemies.
void KillAwards(){
if ( KILL_AWARDS ) { //If this setting is enabled..
GiveAcorn(); //Run these functions.
//Award a free Guardian Acorn for killing a number of monsters specified in settings, without being hit.
void GiveAcorn(){
//If we consecutively kill a number of enemies equal to, or greater than the minimum
//specified by the constant REQUIRE_CONSECUTIVE_KILLS:
item itm = Screen->CreateItem(I_ACORN); //Create an item, ID I_ACORN
itm->X = Link->X; //Place it at Link's coordinates...
itm->Y = Link->Y;
itm->Z = Link->Z;
Link->Action = LA_HOLD1LAND; //Cause Link to hold it up.
Link->HeldItem = I_ACORN; //Set the item Link holds manually.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_CONSECUTIVE_ENEMY_KILLS] = 0; //Reset the consecutive kills counter.
//Drop one Piece of Power after killing a number of monsters specified by settings.
void GivePieceOfPower(){
//If we kill a number of enemies equal to, or greater than the minimum
//specified by the random value generated by PieceOfPowerKills(), that we've stored in
// array index Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_PIECE_OF_POWER_NEEDED_KILLS] :
item itm = Screen->CreateItem(I_PIECE_POWER); //Create an item with the ID I_PIECE_POWER
itm->X = Link->X; //Place it at Link's coordinates.
itm->Y = Link->Y;
itm->Z = Link->Z;
Link->Action = LA_HOLD1LAND; //Cause Link to hold it up.
Link->HeldItem = I_PIECE_POWER; //Set the item Link holds, manually.
Z4_ItemsAndTimers[POWERUP_ENEMY_KILLS] = 0; //Reset the total kills counter.
PieceOfPowerKills(); //Randomly generate the new number of kills needed, for the next Piece of Power
//awarded this way.
// ffcscript.zh
// Version 1.1.0
// Combo to be used for generic script vehicle FFCs. This should be
// an invisible combo with no type or flag. It cannot be combo 0.
const int FFCS_INVISIBLE_COMBO = 735;
item script ffcScriptNEW{
void run(){
// Range of FFCs to use. Numbers must be between 1 and 32.
const int FFCS_MIN_FFC = 1;
const int FFCS_MAX_FFC = 32;
int RunFFCScript(int scriptNum, float args)
// Invalid script
return 0;
ffc theFFC;
// Find an FFC not already in use
for(int i=FFCS_MIN_FFC; iLoadFFC(i);
if(theFFC->Script!=0 ||
(theFFC->Data!=0 && theFFC->Data!=FFCS_INVISIBLE_COMBO))
// Found an unused one; set it up
for(int j=Min(SizeOfArray(args), 8)-1; j>=0; j--)
return i;
// No FFCs available
return 0;
ffc RunFFCScriptOrQuit(int scriptNum, float args)
// Invalid script
int ffcID=RunFFCScript(scriptNum, args);
return Screen->LoadFFC(ffcID);
int FindFFCRunning(int scriptNum)
// Invalid script
return 0;
ffc f;
for(int i=1; iLoadFFC(i);
return i;
// No FFCs running it
return 0;
int FindNthFFCRunning(int scriptNum, int n)
// Invalid script
return 0;
ffc f;
for(int i=1; iLoadFFC(i);
return i;
// Not that many FFCs running it
return 0;
int CountFFCsRunning(int scriptNum)
// Invalid script
return 0;
ffc f;
int numFFCs=0;
for(int i=1; iLoadFFC(i);
return numFFCs;
bool FFCRunning(int ffcslot) {
if ( FindFFCRunning(ffcslot) == 0 ){
return false;
else {
return true;
// stdExtra.zh version 3.2
// Latest update:
// * Added getFlip()
//import "std.zh"
//import "ffcscript.zh"
//import "string.zh"
//==== * Quest-Specific Settings * ============================================
//Text colors
const int COLOR_WHITE = 12;
const int COLOR_BLACK = 8;
const int CMB_BLANK = 0; //Leave this be - combo 0 should always be invisible and no properties
const int CMB_FREEZEALL = 712; //Combo with "Freeze all (Except FFCs)" type
const int CMB_FREEZEFFC = 713; //Combo with "Freeze all (FFCs only)" type
//FFC Slots
const int FFC_FREEZEALL = 31;
const int FFC_FREEZEFFC = 32;
//Other Settings
const int MAX_ITEMS = 255; //Set to the highest item ID you use to make GetCurrentItem() more efficient
const int SS_MOVES_LIMIT = 30; //How many moves to attempt in equipItemX()
//Screen Dimensions
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 256;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 176;
const int SCREEN_VISIBLEHEIGHT = 168; //The height of the screen you can see (bottom 8 pixels cut off)
const int SCREEN_SSTOP = -64; //The top of the subscreen is at Y=-64
//Sprite Flips and rotations
const int FLIP_NO = 0; //Not flipped
const int FLIP_H = 1; //Horizontal
const int FLIP_V = 2; //Vertical
const int FLIP_B = 3; //Vertical & Horizontal
const int ROTATE_CW = 4; //Clockwise
const int ROTATE_CCW = 7; //Counter-clockwise
const int ROTATE_CW_FLIP = 5;
const int ROTATE_CCW_FLIP = 6;
//NPC Misc Flags
const int NPCMF_DAMAGE = 0x0001; //"Damaged by Power 0 weapons"
const int NPCMF_INVISIBLE = 0x0002; //"Is invisible"
const int NPCMF_NOTRETURN = 0x0004; //"Never returns after death"
const int NPCMF_NOTENEMY = 0x0008; //"Doesn't count as beatable enemy"
const int NPCMF_SPAWNFLICKER = 0x0010; //Spawn animation = flicker (???)
const int NPCMF_LENSONLY = 0x0020; //"Can only be seen with Lens of Truth"
const int NPCMF_FLASHING = 0x0040;
const int NPCMF_FLICKERING = 0x0080;
const int NPCMF_TRANSLUCENT = 0x0100;
const int NPCMF_SHIELDFRONT = 0x0200;
const int NPCMF_SHIELDLEFT = 0x0400;
const int NPCMF_SHIELDRIGHT = 0x0800;
const int NPCMF_SHIELDBACK = 0x1000;
const int NPCMF_HAMMERBREAK = 0x2000; //"Hammer can break shield"
//Reusable scripts
//Run an FFC script
//D0-D6: Arguments for the FFC Script
//D7: The script number to run
item script ffcItem{
void run(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3, int d4, int d5, int d6, int ffc_id){
int d[7] = {d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6};
if(FindFFCRunning(ffc_id)InputUp = false; Link->PressUp = false;
Link->InputDown = false; Link->PressDown = false;
Link->InputLeft = false; Link->PressLeft = false;
Link->InputRight = false; Link->PressRight = false;
//Converts velocity into a direction.
int VelocityToDir(float x, float y){
if(x == 0 && y == 0) return -1;
return RadianAngleDir8(RadianAngle(0, x, 0, y));
int VelocityToDir4(float x, float y){
if(x == 0 && y == 0) return -1;
return RadianAngleDir4(RadianAngle(0, x, 0, y));
//Converts the x component of a velocity into a direction.
int XSpeedToDir(float x){
return VelocityToDir(x, 0);
//Converts the y component of a velocity into a direction.
int YSpeedToDir(float y){
return VelocityToDir(0, y);
//Takes a direction of movement and gets the xspeed.
float DirToXSpeed(int dir){
return Cond((dir*2)-5 < -1, 0, (dir*2)-5);
return Cond(dir 7) dir = toggleBlock(dir);
if(dir = 4) ret += .5;
return Cond(IsEven(dir), -ret, ret);
//Returns the angle in radians of a direction; used for weapon angles
float dirToRad(int dir){
if ( dir == DIR_UP )
return 1.5 * PI;
if ( dir == DIR_DOWN )
return .5 * PI;
if ( dir == DIR_LEFT )
return PI;
if ( dir == DIR_RIGHT )
return 0;
int dirToDeg(int dir){
if ( dir == DIR_UP )
return 90;
if ( dir == DIR_DOWN )
return 270;
if ( dir == DIR_LEFT )
return 180;
if ( dir == DIR_RIGHT )
return 0;
//Returns value from 0 to 360 rather than -180 to 180
float AnglePos(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){
float angle = ArcTan(x2-x1, y2-y1)*57.2958;
if(angle < 0)
angle += 360;
return angle;
//Returns the distance between the given Coordinate and Link's Center.
float DistanceLink(float x, float y){
return Distance(CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY(), x, y);
//Returns the distance between Link's center and an object's center.
float DistanceLink(ffc f){
return Distance(CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY(), CenterX(f), CenterY(f));
float DistanceLink(npc n){
return Distance(CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY(), CenterX(n), CenterY(n));
float DistanceLink(lweapon l){
return Distance(CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY(), CenterX(l), CenterY(l));
float DistanceLink(eweapon e){
return Distance(CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY(), CenterX(e), CenterY(e));
//Converts 8-way direction to 4-way
int dir8ToDir4(int dir){
if(dir != Clamp(dir, 0, 15)) return -1;
dir &= 7;
if((dir & 4) == 0)
return dir;
return Cond(IsEven(dir), DIR_UP, DIR_DOWN);
//Returns the reverse of the given direction.
int reverseDir(int dir){
if(dir != Clamp(dir, 0, 15)) return -1; //Invalid direction
return Cond(dirX, Link->Y, dir, dist, false) )
return false;
//Otherwise, check direction
if ( dir == DIR_UP && (!preventOffScreen || Link->Y - dist > 0) )
Link->Y -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_DOWN && (!preventOffScreen || Link->Y + dist Y += dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_LEFT && (!preventOffScreen || Link->X - dist > 0))
Link->X -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_RIGHT && (!preventOffScreen || Link->X + dist X += dist;
return true;
bool move ( ffc this, int dir, int dist, bool walkable, bool preventOffScreen ){
//Can't move
if ( walkable && !CanWalk(this->X, this->Y, dir, dist, false) )
return false;
//Otherwise, check direction
if ( dir == DIR_UP && (!preventOffScreen || this->Y - dist > 0) )
this->Y -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_DOWN && (!preventOffScreen || this->Y + dist Y += dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_LEFT && (!preventOffScreen || this->X - dist > 0))
this->X -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_RIGHT && (!preventOffScreen || this->X + dist X += dist;
return true;
bool move ( npc enem, int dir, int dist, bool walkable, bool preventOffScreen ){
//Can't move
if ( walkable && !CanWalk(enem->X, enem->Y, dir, dist, false) )
return false;
//Otherwise, check direction
if ( dir == DIR_UP && (!preventOffScreen || enem->Y - dist > 0) )
enem->Y -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_DOWN && (!preventOffScreen || enem->Y + dist Y += dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_LEFT && (!preventOffScreen || enem->X - dist > 0))
enem->X -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_RIGHT && (!preventOffScreen || enem->X + dist X += dist;
return true;
bool move ( lweapon weap, int dir, int dist, bool walkable, bool preventOffScreen ){
//Can't move
if ( walkable && !CanWalk(weap->X, weap->Y, dir, dist, false) )
return false;
//Otherwise, check direction
if ( dir == DIR_UP && (!preventOffScreen || weap->Y - dist > 0) )
weap->Y -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_DOWN && (!preventOffScreen || weap->Y + dist Y += dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_LEFT && (!preventOffScreen || weap->X - dist > 0))
weap->X -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_RIGHT && (!preventOffScreen || weap->X + dist X += dist;
return true;
bool move ( eweapon weap, int dir, int dist, bool walkable, bool preventOffScreen ){
//Can't move
if ( walkable && !CanWalk(weap->X, weap->Y, dir, dist, false) )
return false;
//Otherwise, check direction
if ( dir == DIR_UP && (!preventOffScreen || weap->Y - dist > 0) )
weap->Y -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_DOWN && (!preventOffScreen || weap->Y + dist Y += dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_LEFT && (!preventOffScreen || weap->X - dist > 0))
weap->X -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_RIGHT && (!preventOffScreen || weap->X + dist X += dist;
return true;
bool move ( item theItem, int dir, int dist, bool walkable, bool preventOffScreen ){
//Can't move
if ( walkable && !CanWalk(theItem->X, theItem->Y, dir, dist, false) )
return false;
//Otherwise, check direction
if ( dir == DIR_UP && (!preventOffScreen || theItem->Y - dist > 0) )
theItem->Y -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_DOWN && (!preventOffScreen || theItem->Y + dist Y += dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_LEFT && (!preventOffScreen || theItem->X - dist > 0))
theItem->X -= dist;
else if ( dir == DIR_RIGHT && (!preventOffScreen || theItem->X + dist X += dist;
return true;
//Items and Equipment
//Returns true if Link is pressing the button for an item
bool pressingItem(int id){
return ( (GetEquipmentA()==id && Link->PressA)
||(GetEquipmentB()==id && Link->PressB) );
//Returns the id of the highest level item of the given class that Link has acquired.
//Unlike GetHighestLevelItem(), only applies to items Link owns
int GetCurrentItem(int itemclass){
itemdata id;
int ret = -1;
int curlevel = -1000;
for(int i = 0; i Item[i])
id = Game->LoadItemData(i);
if(id->Family != itemclass)
if(id->Level > curlevel){
curlevel = id->Level;
ret = i;
return ret;
//Gives the specified item with hold up animation and optional fanfare
//keep: Whether to actually give the item
//twoHand: Use 1 or 2 hand animation
//sfx: Whether to play item fanfare
void holdUpItem(int id, bool keep, bool twoHand, bool sfx){
if ( sfx )
if ( twoHand )
Link->Action = LA_HOLD2LAND;
Link->Action = LA_HOLD1LAND;
Link->HeldItem = id;
//Give the item and its counter effects
Link->Item[id] = true;
itemdata data = Game->LoadItemData(id);
//Increase capacity
if(data->MaxIncrement > 0 && data->Max > Game->MCounter[data->Counter]){
Game->MCounter[data->Counter] = Min(Game->MCounter[data->Counter]+data->MaxIncrement, data->Max);
//Increase count
if(data->Amount > 0)
Game->Counter[data->Counter] = Min(Game->Counter[data->Counter]+data->Amount, Game->MCounter[data->Counter]);
//Tries to equip an item to A/B
//Gives up instead of freezing game if not found
//Item must be reachable by only moving right
//Returns true if item was selected; false if not
bool equipItemA(int id){
//Switch until you're equipping it
int movesLeft = SS_MOVES_LIMIT; //Failsafe: Don't crash game if item not found
while ( movesLeft-- > 0 && GetEquipmentA() != id )
return(GetEquipmentA() == id);
bool equipItemB(int id){
//Switch until you're equipping it
int movesLeft = SS_MOVES_LIMIT; //Failsafe: Don't crash game if item not found
while ( movesLeft-- > 0 && GetEquipmentB() != id )
return(GetEquipmentB() == id);
//Screen Freezing
//Use in global scripts only.
void freezeScreen(){
ffc freezeAll = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_FREEZEALL);
freezeAll->Data = CMB_FREEZEALL;
ffc freezeFFC = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_FREEZEFFC);
freezeFFC->Data = CMB_FREEZEFFC;
void unfreezeScreen(){
ffc freezeAll = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_FREEZEALL);
freezeAll->Data = CMB_BLANK;
ffc freezeFFC = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_FREEZEFFC);
freezeFFC->Data = CMB_BLANK;
//Toggles weapon blockability by adjusting its direction
int toggleBlock (int dir){
if(dir Dir == DIR_DOWN )
weapon->Flip = FLIP_B;
else if ( weapon->Dir == DIR_LEFT )
weapon->Flip = ROTATE_CCW;
else if ( weapon->Dir == DIR_RIGHT )
weapon->Flip = ROTATE_CW;
void setFlip ( eweapon weapon ){
if ( weapon->Dir == DIR_DOWN )
weapon->Flip = FLIP_B;
else if ( weapon->Dir == DIR_LEFT )
weapon->Flip = ROTATE_CCW;
else if ( weapon->Dir == DIR_RIGHT )
weapon->Flip = ROTATE_CW;
//Sets flip for a 4-dir sword based on two sprites (up and right)
void setFlipSword ( lweapon weapon ){
if ( weapon->Dir >= DIR_LEFT )
if ( weapon->Dir == DIR_DOWN )
weapon->Flip = FLIP_B;
else if ( weapon->Dir == DIR_LEFT )
weapon->Flip = FLIP_H;
void setFlipSword ( eweapon weapon ){
if ( weapon->Dir >= DIR_LEFT )
if ( weapon->Dir == DIR_DOWN )
weapon->Flip = FLIP_B;
else if ( weapon->Dir == DIR_LEFT )
weapon->Flip = FLIP_H;
void permaSecrets(){
Screen->State[ST_SECRET] = true;
void tempSecrets(){
Screen->State[ST_SECRET] = false;
//Makes secrets permanent if "Secrets are temporary" is not checked
void screenSecrets(){
Screen->State[ST_SECRET] = true;
bool WaitframeCheckScreenChange(){
int old_dmap_screen = Game->GetCurDMapScreen();
int old_dmap = Game->GetCurDMap();
return (old_dmap!=Game->GetCurDMap() || old_dmap_screen!=Game->GetCurDMapScreen());
bool WaitframeCheckWarp(){
return ( WaitframeCheckScreenChange() && !(Link->Action==LA_SCROLLING));
//Draw an inverted circle (fill whole screen except circle)
void InvertedCircle(int bitmapID, int layer, int x, int y, int radius, int scale, int fillcolor){
Screen->SetRenderTarget(bitmapID); //Set the render target to the bitmap.
Screen->Rectangle(layer, 0, 0, 256, 176, fillcolor, 1, 0, 0, 0, true, 128); //Cover the screen
Screen->Circle(layer, x, y, radius, 0, scale, 0, 0, 0, true, 128); //Draw a transparent circle.
Screen->SetRenderTarget(RT_SCREEN); //Set the render target back to the screen.
Screen->DrawBitmap(layer, bitmapID, 0, 0, 256, 176, 0, 56, 256, 176, 0, true); //Draw the bitmap
bool LinkOnComboType(int type){
if(Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY())] == type) return true;
return false;
bool LinkOnTallGrass(){
return ( LinkOnComboType(CT_TALLGRASS)
|| LinkOnComboType(CT_TALLGRASSC)
void closingWipe(int wipetime){
for(int i = wipetime; i > 0; i--){
InvertedCircle(4, 6, CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY(), Floor(300/wipetime)*i, 1, 15);
void openingWipe(int wipetime){
for(int i = 0; i < wipetime; i++){
InvertedCircle(4, 6, CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY(), Floor(300/wipetime)*i, 1, 15);
//Get the color value given CSet and in-CSet color
int color(int cset, int csetColor){
return (cset*16) + csetColor;
//Simulates a 2D array
//Returns the index of an array given row, column, and number of rows
int arr2D ( int row, int col, int numCols ){
return (row * numCols) + col;
//Extracted this method from ffcscript.zh for common usage
//If force is true, takes over the last FFC even if it's used
ffc loadUnusedFFC(bool force){
ffc theFFC;
for(int i = FFCS_MIN_FFC; i LoadFFC(i); //Check each FFC
if ( ffcIsBlank(theFFC) )
return theFFC; //Return it
if ( force && i == FFCS_MAX_FFC ) //Force last FFC
return theFFC;
//No FFC found; return an invalid one
ffc invalidFFC;
return invalidFFC;
//Tells whether an FFC is blank and unused
bool ffcIsBlank(ffc this){
return ( this->Script == 0 && //If not running a script
( this->Data == 0 || this->Data == FFCS_INVISIBLE_COMBO)); //And blank combo
//Taken from the Shop script by Joe123
bool SelectPressInput(int input){
if(input == 0) return Link->PressA;
else if(input == 1) return Link->PressB;
else if(input == 2) return Link->PressL;
else if(input == 3) return Link->PressR;
void SetInput(int input, bool state){
if(input == 0) Link->InputA = state;
else if(input == 1) Link->InputB = state;
else if(input == 2) Link->InputL = state;
else if(input == 3) Link->InputR = state;
//Draws the given time in frames as minutes and seconds
//Taken from "Hot Rooms" by Zecora
//void drawTime(int layer, int x, int y, int frames){
// drawTime(layer, x, y, FONT_S, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK, TF_NORMAL, frames);
//void drawTime(int layer, int x, int y, int font, int color, int bgcolor, int format, int frames){
// int seconds = Div(frames, 60); //Total seconds
// int minutes = Div(seconds, 60); //Total minutes
// seconds %= 60; //Remaining seconds (0 - 59)
// int string[5]; //Create an array of characters.
// itoa(string, 0, minutes); //Add the minutes to the array.
// string[strlen(string)] = ':'; //Add the : after the minutes.
// if(seconds DrawString(layer, x, y, font, color, bgcolor, format, string, 128);
//Shortcut for drawInteger for debug output
//Each debug item should have a unique "num" (match between value and label)
void debugValue ( int num, float value ){
debugValue(num, value, 0);
void debugValue ( int num, float value, int places ){
places = Clamp(places, 0, 4);
Screen->DrawInteger(6, 100, 2+10*num, FONT_S, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK, -1, -1, value, places, OP_OPAQUE);
void debugValue( int num, bool value){
int trueString[] = "true";
int falseString[] = "false";
Screen->DrawString(6, 100, 2+10*num, FONT_S, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK, TF_NORMAL, Cond(value, trueString, falseString), OP_OPAQUE);
void debugLabel ( int num, int string ){
Screen->DrawString(6, 2, 2+10*num, FONT_S, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK, TF_NORMAL, string, OP_OPAQUE);
//Both functions in one call, matching "num"
void debug ( int num, int string, float value ){
debugLabel(num, string);
debugValue(num, value, 0);
void debug ( int num, int string, float value, int places ){
debugLabel(num, string);
debugValue(num, value, places);
void debug ( int num, int string, bool value ){
debugLabel(num, string);
debugValue(num, value);
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