Zelda Classic Repository
I wish to address an important matter that has come up regarding Zelda Classic recently.
It has recently come to my attention that the Zelda Classic, a project that falls under the umbrella of Armageddon Games, was moved out of our organization without the necessary permissions and in a manner that is in breach of the terms outlined in the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3.0). The GPL-3.0 is a cornerstone of the open-source community, and it carries with it certain responsibilities and obligations for those who use and distribute GPL-3.0-licensed software.
Zelda Classic is unequivocally subject to the terms of the GPL-3.0, and its unauthorized removal from our organization is a matter that we do not condone, endorse, or take lightly.
In response to this situation, we have taken the necessary steps to address the breach of GPL-3.0 and have formally requested the return of the Zelda Classic repository to our organization. We believe this action is essential to rectify the situation, and have notified the users in question:
Robert Venezia, (a/k/a “Emily Venezia”, a/k/a “VenRob”, a/k/a “EmilyV, the latter two being past and present usernames on the PureZC.net forum, and on the Discord chat service on the PureZC Discord server, the AG Discord server, and other Discord servers related to use and development of ZC), a former developer of ZC.
Joshua Fitzgibbon (a/k/a “Dimentio”, a/k/a “Deedee”, the latter two being past and present usernames on the PureZC.net forum, and on the Discord chat service on the PureZC Discord server, the AG Discord server, and other Discord servers related to use and development of ZC), a former contributor to ZC.
Connor Clark (a/k/a “connor.clark”, the latter being past and present usernames on the PureZC.net forum, and on the Discord chat service on the PureZC Discord server, and other Discord servers related to use and development of ZC)., and owner of the website https://hoten.cc/, a former developer of ZC.
ZeldaClassic.com will always be the official home of Zelda Classic, and we welcome users who want to fork a copy of the repository and create their own project, but this is outright theft for personal gain.
These users have been unhelpful, arrogant, deceitful, and even hostile in any attempts to rectify in a civil manner.
I appreciate the understanding and support of our community as we work through this matter.
If you have any questions or concerns about this issue or would like to discuss it further, please feel free to reach out to me via discord (dutchhannigan) or my e-mail below.
Jarrod “War Lord” Woerner
Founder, Armageddon Games
[email protected]
Ratings Open for the Official 20th Anniversary Contest
Official 20th Anniversary Contest Ratings
The final quest submissions, and the form to rate them are now available to the public.
You can download a ZIP of the entire set of quests here. This comes with information on how to rate the quests, and other miscellaneous information that you may need to review in order to properly submit your ranking data,.
Be sure to use the latest version of ZC 2.53.1, when playing the quests! This is mandatory to ensure compatibility. The version at the time of this post is 2.53.1, Beta 36.
The form for the contest ranking submissions is hosted on openzc.org, through jot. If for some reason you cannot use this form, please notify the contest staff.
All rating submissions are subject to validation and review by contest staff. Spoofed, invalid, or deliberately malicious submissions will be discarded with no effect on the quest ranking.
If you were unable to finish a quest, and you do not provide a satisfactory reason, then we will discard your submission: The field for the reasons for which you are unable to finish a quest is not optional.
We will allow at least two or three months to receive submissions, and may extend this further, should people still be testing and require more time.
Please keep us updated on your progress, and enjoy!
Zelda Classic 2.53.1 Pre-Release Available
For use in the Official 6th Quest Contest, we are proud to offer Beta builds of Zelda Classic 2.53.1 Pre-Release.
This version includes many ‘Quality of Life’ features for building quests, including a host of new modular data formats. For more information, please view the download section, or download the latest package here.
- Added .ZMOD in a new ‘light’ format for 2.53.1
- ZScript parser upgrades, including comment blocks.
- Fixed issues where ZQuest did not properly render negative layers for adjacent screens.
- Revised the Import/Export menus.
- Fixed issues with Ganon Triforce and Ashes in Sideview and over conveyors.
- Refactored full tileset import and export, adding .ZTILESET.
- Added .ZTILE, .ZNPC, .ZDMAP, .ZCOMBO, and .ZALIAS file types.
- Fixed an issue that caused Malwarebytes to false flag ZC.
- Added scale options for the mouse cursors.
- Added .ZITEM individual item save/load to the Item Editor
- Updated ZCL to 2.8.0 with new zc.cfg options, and which handles loading user theme/skin files.
- CRITICAL: Fixed a bug where very old ghosted enemies were rendered invisible.
- CRITICAL: Fixed a bug that caused zc.sav to be eaten.
- Added hotkeys for Level palettes and Fixed Incorrect (violet) Level palette mapscreen grid display.
- Other improvements. See the changelog.txt for more details.
New Modular Zelda Classic Resource Database
We’ve added a large number of new Modular Resource Types, that you may submit, or download on the Resource Database. These new formats are for use with Zelda Classic 2.53.1 and with Zelda Classic 2.55.0.
- Module File (.zmod)
- Skin (UI Theme) File (.ztheme)
- ZScript, Pre-Assembled (.zasm)
- Tile / Tile Package (.ztile)
- Tileset, Complete (.ztileset)
- Combo Object / Object Pack (.zcombo)
- NPC Object (.znpc)
- Item Object (.zitem)
- DMap Object (.zdmap)
- Combo Alias Object / Object Pack (.zalias)
- Weapon Sprite Object (.zwpnwspr)
These files exist in versions bot for 2.53.1, and for 2.55.0. Objects created in 2.53.1 can be opened in 2.55.0, but objects created in 2.55.0 will only work in that version (or later). When submitting a resource, please remember to appropriately flag the version of ZQuest Creator in which you made it; or when searching for resources, you may filter by the minimum compatible version.
These new modular data files aid substantially in quest-making, and with the sharing of individual assets, or sets of assets with the community.
The old formats such as .dmp (2.50.x DMaps) have been deprecated, but it is possible to import them in 2.53.1 using a new menu (Import 2.50.x Files), and then export them using 2.53.1 in the new formats. This change was required because the old formats were version-specific and would not be future-safe. (2.55.0 could not load them.)
20th Anniversary ‘6th Quest’ Contest
In celebration of Twenty Years of ZQuest Classic…
We are hosting a brand new Official Quest Contest for the 6th Quest!
We are hosting this contest through a Discord server, and you are all invited to participate. The contest is open to the public.
For more information, please view the contest thread on PureZC and the contest thread on AGN.
Zelda Classic 2.53 Release 3, Preliminary Build for 20th Anniversary Contest
To coincide with the 20th Anniversary, 6th Quest Contest, (Discord Server) we’re working on the next maintenance release of Zelda Classic 2.53.0 (Release 3).
If you are interested, you can download the latest contest build here.
The quest that wins the contest will be included in the final build of ZC 2.53.0, Release 3.
For more details, see the threads on PureZC or on AGN:
Zelda Classic 2.53 Release 3, Preliminary Build for 20th Anniversary Contest
To coincide with the 20th Anniversary, 6th Quest Contest, (Discord Server) we’re working on the next maintenance release of Zelda Classic 2.53.0 (Release 3).
If you are interested, you can download the latest contest build here.
The quest that wins the contest will be included in the final build of ZC 2.53.0, Release 3.
For more details, see the threads on PureZC or on AGN:
2.53.0 Release 3 preliminary on AGN
2.53.0 Release 3 preliminary on PureZC
New Modules Section in the ZC Resource Repository
Users may now submit Modules for ZQuest Creator and ZC Player Version 2.55, to a new database category, or download existing modules created by the ZC Development Team, and by other users, from the Resource Repository.
You may access this new feature, here
Zelda Classic 2.53.0 Released
After several years of work, patching bugs and making various compatibility enhancements, we are pleased to announce the immediate release of Zelda Classic 2.53.0.
This release fixes various bugs in the 2.50.x series on modern Windows OS systems, and enhances quest compatibility with all prior versions.
ZC 2.53.0 is fully backward-and-forward-compatible with 2.50.2, and completely replaces the prior ‘2.50.3’ updates.
This version includes an Emulation menu in ZC Player that allows selectively enabling feature/bug emulation for older quests, and offers the widest support for all quests made between versions 1.80 and 2.50.2.
At this time, only the Windows release of ZC is supported. Future support for MacOS X is in doubt, given the recent announcements by Apple that they will discontinue support for all 32-bit ‘apps’ in their operating system; and a Linux version is planned, but at present in hiatus due to issues compiling ZC in a modern Linux environment (gcc/g++)..
This version supersedes v2.50.2, and v3.50.3RC1 for Windows, and all support for these versions for the WIndows platform has ended. This version of ZC is supported via a LTS programme through to April 2023 on current versions of the Windows OS.